File Explorer will soon support native version control, letting users sync their programming projects on Windows.

According to The Verge, the Windows File Explorer update will integrate Git systems, allowing users to examine changes and comments without leaving the app, as announced at MS Build.

The additional feature will allow non-programmers to sync their favorite projects' latest versions to their hard drives.

Moreover, Microsoft will soon support 7-zip and TAR compression, in addition to version control. At present, Windows File Explorer's right-click context menu only provides "Compress to a ZIP file," an obsolete choice owing to its decreased compression performance.

Notably, Windows users complain in internet forums that File Explorer is sluggish and battery-hungry. One user posted that his laptop's battery "was dying fast" while using File Explorer. They hope that this problem will also be addressed by the tech giant.


Other Windows Updates

Recently, Microsoft announced Recall for Copilot Plus PCs in Windows 11, which analyzes user activity and allows comprehensive search and retrieval, as TechTimes previously reported.

Internally called "AI Explorer," the tool records app usage, live meeting chats, and all websites visited. The Verge reports that Recall lets users search for a snapshot of their behavior for contextual memory.

The technology tracks PC activity and searches for live meetings and movies using Live Captions, which transcribe and interpret speech.

Microsoft Product Manager Caroline Hernandez demonstrated Windows 11's recall features at an event. She demonstrated that Recall helps find items like a Pinterest blue dress.

Furthermore, voice commands let users rapidly retrieve recent recall inquiries without browsing their web history. Hernandez requested a "blue pantsuit with sequined lace for Abuelita," which Recall delivered.

Recall also finds PC emails, documents, and chat conversations. Microsoft says their clothing search tool matches "peacock" to blue using semantic connections.

Moreover, Recall found PowerPoint presentations and marketing lines from team meetings. Recall also delivered data despite the imprecise context provided during the demo, as the feature can identify text, images, video, and more, utilizing over 40 local multimodal small language models.

Microsoft assures users that stored data will not be used for AI model training. However, only new "Copilot Plus PCs" with Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite CPUs can access the feature.

Recall will be available after Windows updates on June 18.

Emojis, QR Codes Now Available on Windows 11 Snipping Tool

Another Windows 11 update revealed recently was a new update that improves Windows 11's Snipping Tool. The Snipping Tool's QR code detection simplifies screenshot linking and text canvas operations, including automatic QR code recognition and clickable links.

The Windows 11 Snipping Tool now supports emojis and QR codes. Using the Shapes toolbar, screenshots can include Microsoft's 3D emoji. You can also resize and position emojis to enhance screenshots.

Microsoft's Shapes toolbar now has shape fill and outline color opacity. By pressing CTRL + R, you can activate or disable the ruler tool, which performs measurements.

This Snipping Tool improvement follows Microsoft's announcement to integrate prompt writing into Microsoft 365 Copilot's generative AI technology to improve user experiences.

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