The latest update from Twitch expands more of its filtering tools to exclude streams with sexual, explicit, and violent content from the feed and watchlist. 

This will also apply to the stream and game's content if they show these kinds of mature content, one that would no longer appear for a user or their children using the app. 

Other types of mature content are also available to filter on Twitch's platform, offering a more wholesome and safe streaming experience for all ages.

Twitch: Filter Sexual, Violent, and MORE Content With New Tools


(Photo : MARTIN BUREAU/AFP via Getty Images)

Twitch released a new blog post about its latest update on the platform, which gives users more control via changes to the filtering tool. 

With these recent changes, users may now be able to remove sexual, violent, and other types of mature content from their feeds, previewed streams, or lists.

This is under Twitch's feature launched last year known as the Content Classification Labels (CCLs), which give users an idea if the stream they are to watch or lined up contains such material.

Twitch Content Filters

(Photo: Twitch)

Through this, users who programmed their feed under the Content Display Preferences settings to remove or hide specific content with these labels would be automatically hidden.

Read Also: Twitch Introduces New Feed for Streamers, Inspired by TikTok

Curate the Streams Available to Watch on Twitch

Through this new feature, users may curate the streams that are recommended to them or to watch, but it would not be able to exclude the content from streamers a user follows.

Moreover, the company also claimed that it improved its blur options to avoid explicit display when streaming these types of content, especially on larger displays like monitors, TVs, or projectors.

Twitch's Content and Policies

The various content creators on Twitch were previously restricted to posting explicit content, but that changed late last year when the platform decided that it is now possible to show a kind of nudity.

However, this only focused on artistic nudity, including suggestive content and illustrated nipples for those who are in this kind of content, following a previous controversy. 

However, it was not long before the company decided to return to allowing artistic nudity on the platform, treating it as a violation of its guidelines and policies to show it online.

Previously, Twitch was known for being on the conservative side of the internet, with the platform promoting safe streaming for its massive audience that also has minors over the age of 13. 

Explicit content is not for everyone, and even though some people are at the right age to see it, they may still opt to remove it from their feeds or streams on Twitch.

With the latest filtering tool update, Twitch offers users a chance to remove these kinds of content to see, making the experience a safe and wholesome experience whenever streaming. 

Related Article: Twitch Moves Beyond Gaming as It Steps Into News Coverage

Isaiah Richard

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