Many teasers for the next Call of Duty game in 2024 are already appearing online. One may be currently veiled as a woke-esque video, but analysts and insiders believe it is for the game.

Apart from this, the teaser was said to give clues about the next game, one that would finally bring Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 to the world that follows this specific franchise. 

Call of Duty 2024 Teasers Now Revealed

Call of Duty Teaser

(Photo: The Truth Lies)
A teaser video released by an unknown creator called "The Truth Lies," with its dedicated website, is now shaking up the gaming industry as it is believed to be tied to the next Call of Duty game to release this year.

It contains two teaser videos, with the first one playing immediately on an old television screen, complete with an interactive experience for the buttons.

Changing the channels to Channel 2 would show the second teaser video, which remains vague for people who are not familiar with the franchise. 

It shows massive conspiracies where unknown woke individuals plaster posters around about a deceptive government while also showing the campaign's message draped over the eyes of the presidents found on Mount Rushmore.

Read Also: Call of Duty's Frank Woods is Coming to MW3, Warzone as Part of Next-Gen Black Ops Preorder Bonus

Will The Next Game be Black Ops 6?

Leakers and insiders believe that these cryptic videos have ties to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, the rumored game that Activision Blizzard will release in 2024. However, there is not much confirmed regarding what this message is all about, especially as it revolves around "THE TRUTH LIES" campaign. 

This June, an Xbox Showcase is coming and many believe that the next COD game will be revealed here, giving users more to know about these new teasers released.

The Call of Duty Franchise

After two consecutive years of Activision Blizzard remaking its famed MW games for the modern gaming platform, namely with Modern Warfare II and Modern Warfare III, it is time for the company to move forward with another series in its bag. 

There are many rumors about what the next Call of Duty game would be to add to its franchise, especially as, over the years, there have been many experimentations behind their AAA releases that focus on various plots.

Four years ago, the world saw Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War make its way to deliver the nostalgic experience of the game, focusing more on its roots and its ties to the real world's Cold War.

 A year later, in 2021, Activision Blizzard focused on the aftermath of World War II with Call of Duty: Vanguard, featuring yet another focus on its roots, showcasing the 20th-century conflicts.

Many are already pointing out that this will be a sequel AAA release, focusing on the new Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 to deliver their 2024 game that showcases yet another action shooter fiasco with political conspiracies as its premise. 

Related Article: Xbox Games Showcase Rumored for June, New Call of Duty Coming

Isaiah Richard

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