ScienceHow Ancient Ocean Crises Shaped Earth's Evolution: A Deep Dive Into Mass Extinctions Scientists revealed that land-sea "tag-team" triggered mass extinctions of species from the oceans 100 million years ago. What are the environmental events, then?by Joseph Henry
ScienceEarth Could Hit Carbon Dioxide Levels Not Seen In 56 Million Years Within The Next Two Centuriesby Athena Chan
ScienceScientists Find Similarities Between Modern Climate And 'Great Dying' 252 Million Years Agoby Diane Samson
ScienceAncient Volcanic Eruptions Hint How Climate Change May Lead To Mass Extinction Eventsby Allan Adamson
ScienceToo Much Carbon Dioxide Caused Mass Extinction of Ocean Organisms 182 Million Years Agoby Nicole Arce
ScienceFossil Of 'Mother Of All Lizards' Reveals Reptile Group Squamate Survived Permian-Triassic Mass Extinctionby Allan Adamson
ScienceOceanic Changes That Propelled Mass Extinction 252 Million Years Ago Resemble Effects Of Climate Change Todayby Athena Yenko
ScienceOzone Layer Depletion Caused By Ancient Volcanic Eruptions Contributed To Earth's Largest Mass Extinctionby Allan Adamson