The newest episode of "South Park," titled, "Sponsored Content" was a different episode from the others since the likes of Cartman, Stan and Kyle did not play a significant role in the storyline.

The episode kicked off with PC Principal losing his mind over the use of a non-PC word as the headline of the school's official newspaper. He's out to find out who used the word "retarded" in the headline, and it didn't take long before we get to find out it's Jimmy.

This made things difficult for PC Principal to assert his dominance since Jimmy is a disabled child, something PC Principal and his other PC bros are weak at and have no idea how to handle.

When PC Principal brought Jimmy into his office to tell him that using the word retarded is wrong and that some folk can get hurt from it, was one of the strongest scenes of the episode. PC Principal demands Jimmy to stop using the "R" word, but Jimmy shot back with the following quote that is just so close to perfection:

"I don't want people to be afraid of words if it stops them from having a dialogue."

Once again "South Park" has exposed political correctness as something no less than ridiculous, "retarded" even.

No longer allowed to distribute his paper at school, lest PC Principal edits out content deemed hurtful to those who are disabled and such, Jimmy began issuing the school paper door-to-door.

This is where things started to get interesting because the people of South Park began to realize that ads are ruining their ability to read the news. You see, Jimmy's newspaper does not contain a single drop of advertisement, and this caused the townsfolks to rally against ads as they began to read more of Jimmy's newspaper, a publication that does not hide the news nor censor certain words.

The newspaper became so popular that a Geico representative was willing to pay him $26 million to place ads in the newspaper, but Jimmy declined.

He was then met by an unknown group of people wearing expensive suits who told Jimmy that regular folks can no longer tell the difference between news and ads anymore, but for some reason, Jimmy can. We also get to learn that PC Principal and the new girl at school, Leslie, are not actually humans, but ads that have adapted to their environment.

Mr. Garrison made an appearance in this episode as well. We get to see him alongside Hillary Clinton in what appears to be a debate. This is a clear sign that "South Park" creators believe Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton are the ones to come out on top of their respective parties.

Both were speaking about the Syrian refugees, to which Garrison said, "**** them all to death." To see the people sitting in the crowd chanting the same thing was quite funny as it shows the amount of folks who stand behind Garrison, or should we say, Donald Trump.

Principal Victoria turned up as well, and she had some words for Mr. Garrison. As it stands, she was not fired from South Park Elementary, she was replaced. Caitlyn Jenner made an appearance as Garrison's running mate. As expected, Jenner ran over several people on a sidewalk while driving. We should all know by now where all this stemmed from.

Remember the recent University of Missouri protest where the protesters demanded that they wanted a "safe space?" "South Park" parodied that as well.

Overall, "Sponsored Content" was a solid episode as it shows us that ads are ruining the way we read content. It also shows how Political Correctness is designed to keep voices from being heard by getting into the sensitive spot of people's minds. Something that only wants people to say good things because saying bad things are hurtful, and humans should only hear good things.

If that's the case, wouldn't it truly make us retarded if we can't handle the bad things people have to say, but only the good? Hopefully this episode brings forth a change in how advertisements are pushed into the faces of Internet users, because it has gotten a bit crazy.

"Sponsored Content" is a solid 9/10 if we had to rate this episode.

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