Fallout 4 is great, right? Sure it is, what with all the weapons to use, upgrades to try out and settlements to explore. But have you ever caught yourself wishing that it included more — I don't know — bearded madmen, decked out in spandex?

Well, modders AronaxAE and FancyPants are trying to rectify that by bringing Macho Man Randy Savage — the late WWE Hall of Famer and former spokesman for all things Slim Jim — into the Wasteland.

By replacing every deathclaw in the game with the fuchsia-clad former World Heavyweight Champion, this mod transforms the Commonwealth into a post-apocalyptic WrestleMania, just with fewer steel chairs and a couple more cannibals.

These new Macho Man deathclaws will be instantly noticeable while wandering around Boston, as opposed to the brown/gray versions from the original game that blend into their environment. It's pretty hard to stay hidden while wearing neon sunglasses and a bright pink cowboy hat, after all.

Longtime fans of Bethesda will instantly note that this isn't the first time the Macho Man invaded their turf. One of the most popular mods for Skyrim replaced every dragon in the game with Randy Savage as well, giving that sword-and-shield epic a much needed dose of good ol' sports entertainment.

We've seen a wide range of Fallout 4 mods up until this point, but to borrow a phrase from the Macho Man himself, this one's got to be the cream of the crop:

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