The big dance date with Destiny is almost here. And ahead of the game's Crimson Days, developer Bungie has offered new details about what co-op couples can expect from the Valentine's Day-themed event.

Last week Bungie announced the newest game mode for the Crucible, Crimson Doubles. The two-vs-two game mode requires that the players establish their pairs ahead of the matches, as there's no matchmaking for this one.

"You'll need a dancing partner – preferably one that compliments your fighting style," Bungie says. "The two of you will have a chance to earn some 'sweet' loot together in the Crucible. To receive your gifts, you'll have to put your differences aside and fight well as a couple."

Crimson Doubles is an elimination mode, so players will want to hook up with a partner that has some stamina and isn't self-centered. Each of the matches are structured as the best of five rounds.

This week the developer revealed the perk it'll release to keep the Army of Two-style combat competitive: the Broken Heart perk.

When a teammate falls, the player still on his or her feet will receive the Broken Heart perk. It perks up the player's lonely heart by maxing out his or her armor, agility, weapon handling and health regeneration.

To make things more intimate between the couples, kills racked up between the pairs will count towards the individuals' Crimson Days bounties. The special bounty includes new ghost shells and new shaders, which can go as high as 320 in Light level.

During the Crimson Days festivities, Lord Shaxx has a new quest called Crimson Bonds and it'll net conquerors the Crimson Days Emblem. Bungie is also handing out heart shaped candies it is calling Crimson Candy, that creates a "Crimson Connection" between members of a fireteam and gives each member an XP boost for half an hour.

Arriving with the February update, Crimson Doubles will run from Feb. 9 through 16. And like all of Destiny events, this one will require the Taken King expansion pack.

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