World of Warcraft: Legion, the upcoming expansion for Blizzard's popular MMO, is currently in the alpha testing phase. New content is added to the alpha all the time for players to dive in and try out, and this latest dungeon is definitely worth getting excited about.

It's called Maw of Souls, and it takes place on a massive ship that is navigating the Vyrkul afterlife. If you don't know who the Vyrkul are, they are kind of like Vikings, as their culture and environments are heavily influenced by Norse mythology.

Players start on land before being transported to the hull of the Vyrkul ship known as the Naglfar. It's filled with all the typical World of Warcraft goodness: there are numerous boss battles, plenty of trash mobs and loot to be had.

However, the final boss isn't something you see every day. Once players reach the end, a massive kraken woman appears and starts destroying the ship with her tentacles. It's a drawn-out fight and a hectic-looking one at that, but it sure does look cool.

Although the dungeon only went live on the game's alpha build last night, more than a few players have already completed it and uploaded videos for all to see. You can check out one of them below, via BellularGaming.

Of course, the entire dungeon is subject to change in the upcoming months as Blizzard prepares Legion for release. The expansion doesn't yet have a release date, but it is expected to launch sometime in the summer of 2016. For more on World of Warcraft: Legion, be sure to read about how the game's proposed changes to the player vs. player experience is upsetting some longtime fans. If you're excited for the upcoming Warcraft movie, you might even get a free copy of the game when you buy your movie ticket. You can read more about that here.

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