"Game of Thrones" is set to return in April and it is doing a really good job with driving its fans crazy with teasers for the sixth season.

On Wednesday, the HBO series released a set of new posters fo its sixth season in line with the Hall of Faces teaser trailer released Feb. 14. Everyone can now get a better look at whose faces were displayed in "The House of Black and White."

The cast and crew are all so tight-lipped about season 6 and with no "Winds of Winter" from George R.R. Martin to give fans a clue about what will go down in Westeros, it is anyone's guess if the faces of the still living characters displayed among the faces of the dead holds a clue on who will be next or it is just the ultimate tease.

Valar Morghulis indeed.

Two new posters see the return of the elder Starks, Eddard, Catelyn and Robb, who suffered in the hands of the Lannisters; Prince Oberyn Martell whose death sentence was served by the Mountain, Gregor Clegane; Joffrey Baratheon who is probably the least-missed character; and Jon Snow whose fate remains uncertain – or whose death fans are still in denial over.

Among the living whose fates are all uncertain, thanks to another teaser the production team released on Twitter in exchange for pledge of allegiances, are Sansa and Arya Stark; Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion Lannister; and Daenerys Targaryen.

A separate album was created in the "Game of Thrones" Facebook page for single "head shots" of the faces in the poster, as well as the faces of Melisandre, Tormund Giantsbane, Robert Baratheon, Nymeria Sand and Daario Naharis.

Then again, it has been confirmed that "Game of Thrones" will be taking the route of flashbacks and forecasts in season 6 as Bran's training with the three-eyed Raven progresses so, really, anyone and everyone can return or die at any time.

As proof that "Game of Thrones" likes to play with its fans' emotions, take a look at their tweet below.

April 24 cannot come any sooner at this point.

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