It seems like Rockstar adds a new game mode to Grand Theft Auto Online every week, and this latest addition is the craziest yet.

Called Rhino Hunt, the new adversary game mode doesn't, in fact, feature players hunting down and killing an endangered species. Rather, it pits a team of "hunters" in dune buggies (or similar vehicles) and tasks them with defeating a player (or players) in a heavily-armored Rhino tank. It may seem like the tank has the definite advantage, but the hunters are all equipped with sticky bombs that they can toss out of their car to deal damage to their armored opponent.

"Rhino drivers must utilize the sheer strength and firepower of their tank to survive against the onslaught of Sticky Bombs thrown in their direction," Rockstar says.

Of course, the new mode comes with a number of reward bonuses as well. Players who participate in the mode from now until March 3 will earn double GTA cash and RP. Double RP is also featured in the Til Death Do Us Part game type and in all Freemode events all week long.

This week-long event will also see a number of discounts at various stores and services throughout GTA Online. Ammu-Nation is having a 50 percent off rifle ammo sale, and players can also score 50 percent off specific weapon attachments as well as all tactical heist gear. Merryweather Services and Warstock Cache will also be discounted by 25 percent.

It's yet another reason to dive in Grand Theft Auto V's multiplayer mode, which continues to exceed publisher Take-Two's expectations. Thanks to the game's microtransactions, GTA V still continues to bring in huge profits for the company, despite originally releasing in 2013.

Viewed in that light, it's easy to understand why Rockstar continues to add new modes and content to the wildly-popular game. Every holiday sees another major update to the game, with the Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day updates adding new game modes, items, discounts and more. With that in mind, expect to see even more updates in the future. Rockstar is still finding ways to surprise players, and we can't wait to see what crazy game mode it cooks up next.

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