The Merc with the Mouth is making sure everyone knows whose side he's on in the upcoming sequel to Marvel Comic's “Civil War” first published in 2007. In a new exclusive image from Entertainment Weekly to tease “Civil War II,” Deadpool decks himself out in paraphernalia that shows his allegiance – to both teams!

Never one to miss a chance to play with everyone's minds, Deadpool wears both an Iron Man mask and a Captain Marvel shirt in the new image. He also sports an oversized thumbs up sign designed like Iron Man, but in the other hand holds a flaglet for Captain Marvel.

After the stunt actor Ryan Reynolds pulled on Twitter over choosing #TeamHelloKitty instead of choosing side for the upcoming “Captain America: Civil War” movie, it's no surprise that Marvel is pushing the humor of the character as much as it can – and it fits him perfectly!

“Civil War II” will have the superheroes pitted against each other once more. While the first comic book series, as well as the upcoming movie, focused on each side weighing the pros and cons of a superpower registration act, this sequel will have them face off between the moral dilemma of changing the future by putting criminals behind bars even before they commit their crimes.

With the tagline, “Protect the future. Change the future,” the new series is sure to bring up some tough questions for many beloved superheroes who are on both sides of the fence.

But Deadpool is clearly one who wants to remain a solo act and still refuses to settle down on anyone's team in the latest teaser.

According to Tom Brevoort, editor of “Civil War” who will also be taking on the same role for “Civil War II,” the series will give them a chance for some great storytelling once again with the massive superhero crossover.

“The fun thing about CIVIL WAR [was] that the issues involved not only divided the heroes, they also divided the fans... The attempt was to craft the conflict so that each side held a valid and defensible position, so that a reader could fundamentally agree with either one side or the other, with neither being painted as absolutely right or absolutely wrong. While the issues involved are different, we’ll be taking the same approach to CIVIL WAR II,” he says

Set to debut in June of this year, “Civil War II” will also be a chance to showcase many of the other Marvel superheroes who underwent changes due to the “Secret Wars,” including Miles Morales as an angry Spider-Man, a considerably aged Wolverine, Medusa, the Guardians of the Galaxy and more.

A previous teaser image for “Civil War II” also featured the King of Wakanda, Black Panther and the Goddess of Thunder, Thor.

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