Apple's loyal customers who are all-in on the Apple ecosystem are typically likely to buy into the next big thing that the company releases on a fairly predictable cycle every year.

With regard to the Apple Watch 2 (the term the media, and not Apple, has come up with for Cupertino's next fancy wearable), a large number of previous owners of the first generation model are reportedly going to upgrade to the next one even if the device hasn't even been revealed yet.

According to a survey conducted on the Internet by customer acquisition company Fluent, 62 percent of current Apple Watch owners say that they're going to buy the next version of Apple's timepiece even if they know nothing about it.

That's pretty strong brand loyalty right there. Apple's hardcore fanbase has been shown to be hooked on that Apple-flavored Kool-Aid, especially if they're part of the small percentage who have the cash to dole out as much as $17,000 for an 18-Karat Gold Apple Watch Edition.

Digging deeper into Fluent's poll, however, reveals that of the 2,578 people who were surveyed, only 8 percent actually owned an Apple Watch. Like most of the population, the primary reason for not owning an Apple Watch (according to pollsters) is the price of the device itself.

Even if Apple did slash of $50 from the cost of owning an Apple Watch, $299 is still quite a chunk of money for it. But for those who did plop down the dough for Apple's wearable, they cite convenience as one of the main reasons for purchasing it in the first place.

That's quite a pretty penny to pay for convenience, but some of the less popular reasons for owning the Apple Watch were affordability and fashion (not surprising considering that Apple's big thrust in marketing the watch was as a legitimate fashion accessory).

Among the remaining respondents to Fluent's survey, 8 percent owned smartwatches from other manufacturers. The remaining 84 percent owned no smartwatches at all. That leaves Apple with a large base of consumers with which to sell even more of its products.

Apple is expected to debut the next-generation Apple Watch in June, during its annual WWDC event.

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