One Star Wars fan could win a wearable black stormtrooper helmet, as seen in the trailer for Star Wars: Rogue One.

Star Wars Force for Change plans to give the helmet away to the fan who manages to become the top fundraiser for the Force for Change charity initiative. All fans have to do is sign up on the Force for Change Crowdrise page, set up a fundraiser and get as many donations as they can by the end of the week.

The top fundraiser for the week will win the helmet, which will also have autographs from the cast of Rogue One.

Force for Change released a video announcing the new contest, which features Rogue One star Felicity Jones explaining the details. May the force be with all who fundraise and enter.

Force for Change launched earlier this month with another video featuring Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and an intensely-staring Mark Hamill. That video explained what Force for Change hopes to accomplish with its mission.

Force for Change encourages Star Wars fans to donate to their favorite charities through the Crowdrise site, including charities such as the American Red Cross, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Make-A-Wish Foundation and Unicef USA. All donations collected from the site will be matched by Force for Change up to $1 million. Fans can give a minimum of $10 up to however much they would like to donate.

Everyone who donates will get entered into another contest to win the Force for Change grand prize: a trip to Skellig Michael in Ireland, the location highlighted at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, where Rey eventually finds Luke Skywalker. The campaign will also give away a signed copy of the Blu-ray edition of that film.

Force for Change runs through May 4, otherwise known as Star Wars day. That gives fans a month to donate and raise money for their favorite causes.

Force for Change is just one of many things for which Star Wars fans can get excited. Star Wars: The Force Awakens recently released on DVD and Blu-ray. Star Wars: Rogue One hits theaters on Dec. 16. Production is also now underway for Star Wars: Episode VIII.

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