You may think Facebook already knows everything there is to know about you, and you're probably right. But the social network just keeps trying to know more.

Facebook recently made two updates to its News Feed that try and help it show more relevant ads to users. The company wants to know why you're hiding those ads from your News Feed (they're annoying, duh). 

You're probably well aware by now that those Facebook ads that end up in your News Feed are supposed to be targeted based on things like your personal data and interests. However, we've all experienced moments when we look over to the right side of our News Feeds and see an ad that is incredibly funny, weird or confusing, which was probably not the intention of the company that created it.

So as you're scrolling through your News Feed, if you see any ads like these, you should probably hide them. And then you can go and tell Facebook that you did so because they're just so messed up.

1. This connection was so obvious, I don't know why anyone would ever question it.

2. Those artistic types can be so sensitive, can't they?

3. Is this supposed to be a photo of what the counselors look like or those seeking help? 

4. Oh, those 8-percenters...

5. In case Furbies didn't already haunt you enough IRL, they can now haunt you on Facebook!

6. Never leave home without it.

7. Maybe they should've previewed the ad before it went live?

8. Well, it certainly catches your attention.

9. Who wouldn't want to look like Matt Damon? Just not that Matt Damon.

11. Pets have dreams, too!

12. The use of clip art is always appropriate.

13. Well, this copy was poorly written. (Ugh.)

14. The first thing you will learn while trying to get your ultrasound technician degree is that babies do not typically look like this.

15. Coooode! Cooooode!

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Tags: Facebook Ads