So many superheroes are involved in Captain America: Civil War that it's practically an Avengers movie. If that's the case, why is the man responsible for forming the Avengers himself not there? Civil War screenwriters Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus have an explanation as to why Nick Fury was not included in the movie.

Talking to the Los Angeles Times, Markus said that bringing in Fury felt like "one too many possible opinions." Characters had to take sides in the movie, and the screenwriters didn't want Fury to have to decide between Team Cap and Team Iron Man. The task was just not for him, and McFeely and Markus didn't want to bring about another plot line where the audience has to guess whether Fury was on the side of the government or not.

"He's the guy who put it together ... Let the parent go away, and see if the kids can handle this. See if the kids can be who they're supposed to be without that governing voice," said Markus.

You all know how that turned out.

McFeely and Markus did hint that Fury might be coming back for Avengers: Infinity Wars. After all, it can be assumed that everybody will be part of the movie.

The screenwriters have been working on the script for Infinity Wars, "locked in a room" as they churn out the early drafts of the upcoming movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

If Infinity Wars does follow the comics, it will see all of the Marvel movie characters (including those lost or even in space) come together for a fight even bigger than what Civil War had shown.

That sounds complicated, but McFeely and Markus are well aware of that. Right now, drafts for Infinity Wars have unlimited scope, but the two will soon tackle the challenge of paring down the story to get things moving along.

Avengers: Infinity Wars - Part 1 is set to hit theaters on May 4, 2018.

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