Men find submissive women more attractive, while women prefer dominant men, a new study has found.

The social norm that men lead the way and women follow is etched in the genes. In a new research, scientists have found that potential partners are those who can detect these so-called "good genes".

Scientists say that people who are most likely to be asked on a second date are those who have genotypes that society typically associates with the two genders: dominance in men and submissiveness in women.

Decoding The Dude Through Speed-dating Test

At the start of the study, the team wanted to know if partner selection could be affected by people's ability to identify the socially-dictated "good genes".

To investigate, the researchers performed a speed-dating test to see if their predictions were accurate if applied in real life situation.

During the event, the participants were given quick minutes to see the short-term and long-term ability of their speed-dating partners, and to choose if they want to ask them on a second date.

The study entailed a total of 262 Asian Americans, who were asked to meet up for three minutes with other participants. After each encounter, the subjects were asked to decide if they would go on another date with their partner or not. They were also asked how promising they think their dates are as romantic partners.

If a "match" is found and both parties agreed to have a second date, the researchers would ask each other's numbers and notify each participant of the match.

Looking At Genes To Determine Dating Success

The scientists analyzed the DNA specimens from the subjects, focusing on two types of different genes relevant to the study. The first one is a gene called ?1438 A/G, which is linked with control and authority. The second gene type is A118G, which has been associated with social sensitivity.

People with these genes appear to have socially-determined traits that a man and woman should possess. More importantly, they were more desirable to the opposite sex, both in the short-term and long-term.

Men who have ?1438 A/G gene were more desirable for women, while women who possess this gene were less likely to attract the opposite sex.

Women with A118G had better speed-dating success. Men who have this gene, however, had less favorable outcomes.

"These results suggest that personal attributes corresponding to A118G and ?1438 A/G can be detected in brief social interactions, and that having a specific genetic variant or not plays a tangible role in dating success," says study lead author Karen Wu.

Wu adds that the study results may have implications beyond dating. For example, this attraction may also be applicable for other social events such as in job interviews with a potential employer.

The research team acknowledges that the initial findings need to be replicated so that it includes factors such as ethnicity, age and diverse social and economic backgrounds.

The study was published in the journal Human Nature on May 18.

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