It remains to be seen if the world will ever see another Tron film.

Tron: Legacy released in 2010 to reasonable success, considering it was a sequel to a cult classic film from 1982. A third film seemed like a no-brainer then, but Disney seems to have pulled the plug on that idea in order to focus on other properties like Marvel and Star Wars.

However, fear not, fans of bio-digital jazz and light cycles. One fan has taken it upon themselves to deliver more neon light-infused Tron goodness to the world, this time in the form of a custom game type created via Halo 5's Forge mode.

Anybody who has watched the Tron films will instantly recognize the franchise's iconic light cycles, complete with the deadly light trails they leave behind. Sequences involving the cycles make up some of the franchise's best moments, so it's only natural that the film franchise's light cycle battles were what user AUREL1EN chose to recreate in Halo 5. By fusing the game's Ghost vehicle with other various objects and adding some neon lights, AUREL1EN concocts some fairly convincing made-from-scratch light cycles. They even have light trails coming out from the back!

The Tron-inspired game arena housing the custom vehicles isn't too shabby, either. The various ramps, sub-levels and the general aesthetic are all true to the light cycle arenas from the film, and the Tron: Legacy soundtrack that plays in the video showing off the entire creation just seals the deal.

Given how the vehicles are actually Ghosts in disguise and not sleek future motorcycles, Halo 5's light cycles don't exactly move like their movie counterparts. They're slower, not as maneuverable and their light trailers don't instantly disintegrate anything that comes in contact with them. Even with that in mind, it's still extremely cool to see just how robust Halo 5's creation tools are. Players can create almost anything they can imagine, whether it be Tron or Star Wars.

Fans have cooked up all kinds of wacky and entertaining new game types for Halo 5, and the creations are only going to keep coming once Forge mode arrives on Windows 10 for free later this year. That's good news for everybody, and seeing what players will come up with next never gets old. You can check out more Halo 5 Forge creations here.

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