One YouTube couple decided to put on a whole new spin on 'the babies come from storks' angle and made up their own creative pregnancy video to welcome their bundle of joy in to the world.

The one minute video (the entire video, including commentary at the end is actually 2 and a half minutes) was made up entirely of stop-motion timelapse photography and took the zany couple ten months to complete.

The story goes, as Sarah Evershed (MysteryGuitarWife) is driving along a paper landscape in her red, cardboard cut-out car, she gets a flat tire. Along comes her husband, Joe Penna (MysteryGuitarMan), to the rescue with a tire pump to save the day!

But instead of inflating the tire, as MysteryGuitarWife holds the hose, her stomach gets inflated and deflated instead. When she lets go of the hose, her stomach hilariously becomes flat again. One can only imagine the work it took to make sure they were standing in the exact right spot each time they went back to shoot each shot as her pregnancy went along.

According to his post in the comments section of the video, they even had to ask the new tenants of the apartment they were renting to let them keep their shoot set-up so they could finish filming the video!

By the end of the video, MysteryGuitarMan is so happy at how round his wife's stomach has become that he trips over the pump causing an explosion! And lo and behold, out comes MysteryGuitarBaby, Jonah.

MysteryGuitarMan shared a bit of the process behind the making of the viral video on his reddit Q and A:

  • Shot a video to work out the timing. We exported that video at 8 fps.
  • Set up a Canon 7D on our garage that couldn't move the entire time.
  • Used Dragonframe to match our positions from week-to-week to the original video.
  • Moved houses; bribed new renters to let us keep the set up in the garage.
  • Had baby.
  • Waited until she recovered enough.
  • Pump it up.

The proud parents showed off their bundle of joy who came into the world on Sept. 3, weighting 7 pounds and 15 ounces.

The creator of the video, MysterGuitarMan himself, is a Los Angeles-based film-maker who shows off his work on his YouTube channel.

He announced that he will be taking a paternity leave to help take care of MysteryGuitarBaby but will be back on Oct. 16 with a new short film (he mistakenly says Oct. 9 in the video).

These new parents showed some serious creativity and patience in making their stop-motion pregnancy video, which is a sure sign they are going to be equally dedicated to the trials that will come from parenthood.

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