Today is Oct. 3, and you know what that means. It's National Mean Girls Day, y'all.

The film was released on April 30, 2004, so Oct. 3 might sound like a pretty weird day to commemorate the movie. However, as you probably remember, Oct. 3 is the day Cady Heron's crush Aaron Samuels asked her what day it was, to which she excitedly replied, "It's Oct. 3."

All of this is to say you should probably drop everything right now and have a viewing or two of the film, which starred Lindsay Lohan in her prime, tried to make "Fetch" happen and defined a generation when it was released in theaters 10 years ago. Not only does the 10-year anniversary of Mean Girls make every Millennial feel incredibly old, but it also reminds us just how different life was for high schoolers in 2004. Facebook was just launched two months prior to the film's release date, the first generation of the iPhone wouldn't be available for another three years and if you told anyone you were taking a "selfie," they probably would have just looked at you confused.

Yes, when the inevitable remake of Mean Girls happens, it's going to look quite different from the 2004 version simply because our lives have been impacted so dramatically by new technology. Don't believe me? Here's just some of the many ways today's technology would change Mean Girls.

There would be no "Burn Book"

In 2004, The Plastics would have written down all of their nasty secrets and gossip in one physical book, but kids today don't know what pen and paper are. The Plastics would definitely take their operation digital and instead use something like the Secret app to compile all of their hearsay. Now, The Plastics could say all of those terrible things about their classmates and no one would ever know it came from them.

The Plastics would be cyberbullies

As we all know, social media has completely changed the way we communicate with each other, for better or for worse. Unfortunately, with the ability to be anonymous or assume a false identity, social media has also given rise to cyberbullying. While The Plastics were pretty awful human beings IRL anyway, you know they would get so much joy out of Catfishing an enemy or insulting others' profile pics.

Sexting would be a plotline

Because romance is central to Mean Girls, sexting would have to be a part of the story. I imagine Cady misguidedly sending Aaron some scantily-clad pics of herself, to which he would probably not be into so much because Cady isn't supposed to be a mean girl. See? This plot device can actually be a teachable moment.

Regina George wouldn't have gained all that weight

Every day, it seems like a new piece of wearable fitness technology hits stores. The very body-conscious Regina George would definitely incorporate all of these gadgets in her beauty regimen to track her steps, her beauty rest and her caloric intake. She would have never let those Swedish nutrition bars that made her gain weight get past her.

So. Many. Selfies.

The Plastics are so into themselves that practically the whole movie would have just been them taking selfies, one after another. I bet Karen makes the best duckface.

Texting would replace phone calls

Cady, Regina, Gretchen and Karen used landline phones to get their girl talk on in Mean Girls. Nobody uses phones to talk to each other these days. These ladies would definitely be texting up an emoji-filled storm. There would also be plenty of chances for them to misinterpret each other's texts, and hilarity would ensue.

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