It was only a few weeks ago when the Material Design update for Google's Play Store was leaked over the Internet. This time, Google is ending all of the anticipation with the release of the latest version of its Play Store. Dubbed version 5.0.31, the update has already started rolling out to devices.

The first thing that one would notice in the update is the new Play Store icon, which looked "flatter" yet bolder in color. Google seemed to be making a statement with the Material Design Fashion. As a result, the entire Play Store flaunts categories that are newly colored and are aligned with the Material Design's bold and bright color palette. Moreover, one would notice the small useful animations and the improved application of other intricate details such as shadows and coloring.

The slide-in panel and the corresponding hamburger button are displayed in new animations, with the latter turning into a back arrow as the situation calls for it. Highlighting changes and improved display scheme are applied to the "what's new" section in the app listings. In essence, the app listings themselves are left unchanged. What makes them more relevant is the noticeable speed that the user gets when performing search results and accessing the installed apps list.

Apart from the eye-catching color changes, the Play Store 5.0 update from Google exudes a snappy feel and a nice smooth flow of information. New animations and transitions all flow freely within the app.

The new rollout, which is an update from the recent 4.9.13 version, definitely boasts more Material Design. The same Material Design concept is said to be one of the selling points of the soon to be launched Android L.

Previously, users witnessed the Material Design changes confined within the content pages. With the latest update, these changes are extended throughout the app.

Another noticeable feature of the update is the new Play Store icon. Looking like a shopping bag, the icon is now grey with the ubiquitous Play image looking slightly larger. Even the shopping bag handle looks more paper-like.

The update marks a significant and timely change in the Google Play Store. As more and more apps continue to get updated, the shift gives everyone an impression that the launch of Android L is getting nearer. Google is definitely prepping up by making the look and feel of its apps compatible with the new Material Design standard.

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