Google has just rolled out the latest Chrome 53 version for the browser, and it's showcasing the battery life and speed improvements it's bringing to the table using a Microsoft Surface Book.

Right off the bat, Chrome for the desktop and Android is now 15 percent faster, and based on the video where the two laptops are running Vimeo, it's now roughly 20 percent more efficient in terms of power usage.

As an example, the Mountain View company says that the Mac version of the browser now uses 33 percent less juice for everything, including videos, images, simple page scrolling and many others.

To highlight the exact details of the test, Chrome 46 on the Surface Book lasted eight hours and 27 minutes, while Chrome 53 on the same device persevered up to 10 hours and 39 minutes.

"Speed has always been a priority for Chrome. People spend so much time in the browser that even tiny page delays can add up to minutes of lost time every day ... We also know that you want to get as much browsing time out of your laptop's battery as possible. So Chrome now uses less battery for sites that people visit the most," Google says.

Needless to say, the update is nothing but good news for everyone using Chrome, and of course, it's a safe bet to assume that everyone who has installed it already probably won't look for an electrical socket right away or get a slow experience out of the browser.

The fun doesn't end there either, as Google is also announcing Android Pay support via the addition of the PaymentRequest web standard. Thanks to that, online shoppers who's on a supported bank can now pay for products at a tap of a button, making the whole splurging session on the web a whole deal easier.

To boil things down, every Chrome user here and there now has a speedier and battery-efficient browser at hand, and on top of that, they also have yet another way to make seamless payments using it.

In other related news, Chrome 53 marks the beginning of Adobe Flash content getting blocked, with Google favoring HTML5 over it.

With everything said and done, what do you think of latest version and everything that it's bringing to the table? Feel free to hit us up in the comments section below and let us know.

Also, don't forget to check out the 39-second video below to see the Surface Books in action.

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