Huge diets are nothing new: athletes and bodybuilders need fuel, plain and simple. Without fuel to run on, their bodies wouldn't work. Michael Phelps was famous for putting away thousands upon thousands of calories every day to keep his swimming strength up, and he wasn't even that heavy. It's just how the body works. If someone exercises all day, every day, they need the power to do so, and that means a ton of food.

Still, most people would assume there's a universal limit. The human body can only take so much, right? It doesn't matter how big you get, there has to be a line that the body can't cross. Well, one man has proven that theory wrong in a massive way.

Robert Oberst is one of the strongest men on the planet. As a strongman, it's basically his job to lift big, heavy stuff day in and day out. Of course, to power musculature like that, a massive amount of energy is required. That means a massive amount of food...roughly 20,000 calories a day.

Needless to say, it's awe-inspiring to watch this man fill a shopping cart. Everyone dreams of eating non-stop without consequence like that, but Oberst actually lives that reality. Of course, Oberst is one of the world's strongest athletes, and without the training regimen or exercise, such a diet would be physically impossible. Oberst said it best himself: "An average person can definitely eat like this, but then they wouldn't be an average person for very long."

Of course, the diet's not without setbacks. Ingesting that many calories without working out would cripple the body over time, but to power a workout that burns off the food would require just as many calories. It's a cycle, and an expensive one at that: Oberst spends nearly $450 on a single grocery trip in the video, and when there are multiple trips to the store per month, it adds up quickly.

Still, Oberst looks like he's having a lot of fun...and who wouldn't want to push a giant tire around for a living?

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