Betting big on quantum computing, deemed as the future of computing, Microsoft has spoken out its intent to tap the commercial market with the roll out of quantum computers using topological qubits for delivering unprecedented performance.

This was outlined in the official Microsoft blog, which talks about "investing in the real, scaleable quantum computers for solving real-world problems."

Boosting Cloud Computing

Microsoft strategy is multi-pronged and it thinks a foray into quantum computing will indirectly boost its share in cloud computing as well as address the challenges in areas of medicine and environmental issues where AI solutions are being tried.

The new plans also mark a move away from the Station Q laboratory from where the bulk of Microsoft's quantum computing related work is concentrated.

This also endorses the line advocated by Michael Freedman, who is heading Station Q that Microsoft must try topological mathematics as a way for moving qubits.

That implies shifting gears from theory to practice as seen in the decision to absorb researchers as Microsoft employees under the umbrella of Artificial Intelligence and Research Group. It manages Microsoft's research into AI and will embed breakthrough products in existing platforms like Office 365, or incorporate them into Azure cloud offerings.

Why Qubits?

Microsoft has made the focus explicit — qubit, which is the unit of quantum information. These are building blocks for multiple solutions in quantum in contrast to the existing sequential computers.

However, in accomplishing the commercial roll out, there are too many hurdles to overcome. First of all, cold environments are a must for the devices to ward off adverse external influence on the system's quantum state.

Among the virtue of topological qubits, prime is the ability to withstand heat or electrical noise and the stay in a quantum state for a longer time. That makes it outstandingly practical and effective.

"A topological design is less impacted by changes in its environment," Microsoft official Todd Holmdahl said.

As Microsoft is aiming to build a quantum computer, the software to run the same is also a top priority. That is to make sure that the system can solve complex problems from day one.

Microsoft's Core Quantum Computing Team

Holmdahl will be leading the Quantum Computing project with a mandate to create the required hardware and software.

According to analysts, the choice of Holmdahl makes sense given his extensive involvement in the development of projects like Xbox, the HoloLens and Kinect. The common factor is they all started out off as research projects and turned into consumer products.

Giving a serious dimension to the quantum foray is the hiring of two prominent quantum computing scientists.

Charles Marcus, a senior professor at the Niels Bohr Institute at Copenhagen and Leo Kouwenhoven, a distinguished professor at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Multidisciplinary Workforce

Marcus noted that there is a need to get over the hump and create machines that never existed, and it is imperative that the way of doing business must change.

"We need scientists, engineers of all sorts, technicians, programmers, all working on the same team" he added.

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