It's Election Day 2014! That means, other than celebrities on Twitter yelling at you to vote, it's the perfect time to watch some good old-fashioned political dramas. There's plenty to watch when it comes to government corruption, and one of the best ways to watch all of these dramas is through Netflix streaming. The service has a wide variety of political stories to watch, and they're all top-notch. If you're looking for something with plenty of intrigue, double-crossing and stabs in the back, these five shows are a great place to start.

The West Wing (1999 - 2006)
One of the best political dramas ever written also happens to be one of the best shows ever produced. Beginning in 1999, The West Wing told the story of Democratic President Josiah Bartlet, played by Martin Sheen. Even though the show was a fictional take on American politics, many of the series' themes and stories still resonate today. Nearly a decade later, the show manages to stay relevant with today's politics, which is something in and of itself. Even without the politics, the show is worth watching for Sheen's performance alone.

House of Cards (2013 - present)
There are few people who don't know about House of Cards. The show was one of the pioneers of Netflix's original programming, and brought actor Kevin Spacey back into the limelight. It's one of the best overall examples of political intrigue, and while many American remakes of British television series often fall flat, that's certainly not the case for House of Cards. That being said, if you happen to be extremely particular about that sort of thing, Netflix also offers the original BBC version of House of Cards as well.

Political Animals (2012)
For whatever reason, women being allowed to participate in politics is still an issue. For Political Animals, women in government was put on center stage: the show follows Elaine Barrish (played by Sigourney Weaver), former First Lady of the United States and present-day Secretary of State. The USA miniseries was very much about political drama and intrigue, but it also focused heavily on family - more specifically, the fallout and damage that can occur when a family spends years upon years in politics. At only six episodes, the series isn't long by any stretch of the imagination, so a binge-watching marathon could be finished in just a day.

Boss (2011 - 2012)
There are few actors that can pull of intensity like Kelsey Grammer. While many people still think of him as Frasier, that role is far from Grammer's best. In Boss, Grammer stars as Chicago Mayor Tom Kane, and the performance is amazing. Even though the show only lasted two seasons (Starz cancelled the drama due to low ratings), Boss is more than worth watching. Despite plans for a film to wrap up the show's loose threads, it seems that the show is over...but, at the very least, it means an entire viewing could be done before the polls close today.

Scandal (2012 - present)
Many of the political dramas on this list have ties to real-world events or people, but few have such direct ties as Scandal. The show focuses on crisis management and political public relations, and the show's main character Olivia Pope (played by Kerry Washington) is loosely based on Bush Administration press aide Judy Smith. In addition to working for the President's administration, Smith also became one of the show's producers - it's hard to match authenticity like that. Currently, there are three completed seasons and the fourth is airing now, meaning there's plenty to catch up on.

As you can see, there's plenty out there if you're looking for some great political drama. Oh, and don't forget to vote!

Photo: Netflix 

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