It seems that there's no rest for the weary robot Bastion.

Just days after it received skills changes, Overwatch's Bastion has gotten another overhaul to balance the competitiveness of the hero. This came on the heels of community reaction saying the friendly robot is too powerful and nearly unkillable.

Overwatch developers responded to the issue by saying Bastion's buffs will be scaled back and the latest patch aims to address the issue on the Public Testing Region or PTR.

Blizzard's popular first-person online team shooter Overwatch is currently on its Season 4.

Bastion Overhaul And Other Hero Changes

Bastion originally received major skill buffs during the previous patch, the most important of which is his new passive ability Ironclad. This ability makes him take 35 percent reduced damaged when he is on Sentry or Tank mode. The new patch has scaled down the damage reduction to 20 percent.

Other new major hero skill changes are:

Mercy's Caduceus Staff - She has received a new commendation card which tracks the amount of increased damage that's done when boosting another player

Zarya' Particle Barrier no longer protects Zarya from knockback. Likewise, her Projected Barrier also doesn't protect allies from knockback.

Meet Orisa, New Hero Tank

The highlight of the patch is the introduction of Orisa, the much-hyped new hero that finally will see action in the new patch.

Orisa is a quad-pedal tank hero that has crowd control, defense, and support skills. According to Overwatch lore, Orisa was "parts of one of Numbani's short-lived OR15 defense robots." Although a rookie, she is determined to prove her worth as a city protector.

Her skills are a mix of crowd control and protection skills.

Fusion Driver is her main weapon used for sustained damage in exchange for slower movement.

Halt is her alternate fire that launches a graviton charge thereby slowing nearby enemies and pulling them toward its detonation point.

Fortify raises Orisa's defense for a brief time and makes her immune to slow-downs.

Protective Barrier casts a barrier that shields Orisa and allies from attacks.

Supercharger is her Ultimate, which fires a beam of attack power buff to allies.

Game Browser, Bug Fixes And More

For the Game Browser, the patch fixed a bug that causes certain settings to pop on the Custom Game's info screen. A feature has also been added that allows players to disable or modify the secondary fire button abilities.

Destroying Teleporters and Shield Generators now properly display's the owner's name. Bastion and Torbjorn's bug when taking defensive positions has also been fixed.

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