More details of the highly anticipated Far Cry 5 have been revealed after Ubisoft's recent release of the official announcement trailer for the chaotic open-world shooter.

The game cover of Far Cry 5 hinted at a modern setting with religious and political undertones, as it is inspired by The Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci with the title set in modern America.

Far Cry 5 Story

Probably the most unique characteristic of Far Cry 5 compared to previous installments is that it is the first one that is set in the United States.

Players will be up against Joseph Seed, also known as "The Father," the leader of a cult in Hope County, Montana. He is not a simple charismatic presence, though, as he has a militia under his control.

The cult is seemingly preparing to launch an attack or to survive the end of the world and is forcefully recruiting members from Hope County.

Fortunately, players will not be alone in their fight against Seed and his personal army.

Far Cry 5 Gameplay

According to Dan Hay, the executive producer and creative director of Far Cry 5, while the game has its fair share of combat and explosions that has characterized the franchise, it also requires players to find common cause with other characters to help them in their fight against Seed.

Far Cry 5 does not look like it will deviate much from previous Far Cry games, as a gameplay video shown to Kotaku revealed that it still offered the usual gunfights, flamethrowers, and massive destruction. However, it would not be much of a new installment if there were no changes.

Publisher Ubisoft said that gamers can choose to play alone or to play Far Cry 5 entirely in two-player co-op. This further highlights the fact that players are not alone in their adventure.

For the first time in the series, players can also create their character for Far Cry 5. The main character is a junior deputy for the police force, and gamers can choose whether the character is a man or woman, along with his or her skin color.

After the main character is set, players will then spend a considerable amount of time building up their own force to go up against Seed's militia. There is so far no explanation on how the recruitment system will work on Far Cry 5 and whether the allies will simply give quests and bonuses or if they will really join the player during combat.

The fight against Seed and his personal army will be brutal, no doubt. Players will be able to use weapons that include a wide variety of guns, grenades, sledgehammer, and even baseball bats. They can also drive vehicles, including muscle cars, ATVs, and even engage in aerial dogfights when flying airplanes. Players can even recruit animals to help them in combat, such as cougars and bears.

Far Cry 5 At E3 2017

Ubisoft will have more to reveal regarding Far Cry 5 at the upcoming E3 2017, so fans of the franchise should stay tuned for updates once the annual video game event launches.

Players will need to wait for a while before they can take on Seed and his militia, though, as Far Cry 5 will release for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on Feb. 27, 2018.

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