Doomfist, the 25th hero of Overwatch that launched into the massively popular multiplayer shooter's public test realm earlier this month, will finally arrive into the main game on July 27.

Some gamers who were looking forward to Doomfist were disappointed when it was revealed that Hollywood actor Terry Crews was not the voice behind the character, but Crews hinted that he might still find his way into Overwatch in the future.

Doomfist Launch On July 27

The announcement of Doomfist's arrival on July 27 was accompanied by a video that gave a behind-the-scenes look at the new Overwatch hero.

Doomfist has been a part of Overwatch lore ever since the beginning, with the first cinematic trailer of the game featuring Winston and Tracer as they keep Reaper and Widowmaker from stealing the Doomfist gauntlet. The gauntlet was then found missing in the Numbani map payload in February, hinting that Doomfist was on his way to the game.

Doomfist is a unique character in the Overwatch roster because his abilities require a playstyle that resembles a 3D fighting game more than a first-person shooter. He is most effective at close range, and can dish out massive amounts of damage by chaining his skills into Doomfist combos.

Dataminers previously discovered that Doomfist will launch with 67 cosmetics and four event-specific items for the unannounced Summer Games. It is widely believed that the Summer Games launch will either come alongside the rollout of Doomfist or shortly thereafter.

Terry Crews In 'Overwatch'

Hollywood actor Terry Crews publicly auditioned to be the man behind the voice of Doomfist earlier in the year, gaining the support of the Overwatch community. However, Blizzard gave the role to veteran actor Sahr Ngaujah.

In an interview with PC Gamer, Crews revealed that when he visited Blizzard and was given a glimpse of the creation of Doomfist, he didn't want to mess with the vision of the development team.

"I can honestly say that they made a move that's better for the game, which is what they're about. I know people were upset but I'm not," Crews added. However, he also hinted that just because he didn't get to play the part of Doomfist doesn't mean that his goal of becoming a part of Overwatch is terminated.

"If I ever do anything with Blizzard, you watch: it'll be perfect," Crews said. In the meantime, his fans could use him as a playable character in Crackdown 3, which was unveiled in this year's E3 for the Xbox One, Xbox One X, and Windows PC.

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