You've already seen J.J. Abrams' original Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer, which, of course, led to a brilliant Lego edition (and a second Lego version!) just a few days later and more recently, this SNL spoof featuring Bobby Moynihan as an older Princess Leia, @The Pet Collective's puppy & kitten version, @Ramalia Trends Family Guy creation  and @legolambs  SW Musical version. If anything, the trailer awakened the creativity, in addition to excitement, of so many fans of the galaxy far, far away.... out there. Now, parody trailers for The Force Awakens are popping up all over, (like this Wes Anderson version or @Dumb Drum's SWEDED remake) and the Internet is a better place because of it.

Hold on to your broadsword lightsaber as you enjoy these incredible versions from Master Jedi YouTubers.

1. If George Lucas had made Episode VII  . . .

(from TimTimFed)

Another take on that, from TheDufase19089.

2. What Star Wars: The Phantom Menace would look like in this teaser form

(from CinemaSinsJeremy)

3. If J.J. Abrams went FULL LENS FLARE on us, which he has done before. TOO BRIGHT!

(from Luke Fitch)

4. Here's the trailer taking the title quite literally

(from Lucas)

5. For the gamers out there, Knights of the Old Republic AWAKENS!

(from The Unusual Suspect)

6. The CAGE Awakens and we all know you don't wake a sleeping Nic Cage!

 (from ZordTv)

7. How Guardians of the Galaxy would awaken

(from Bobby Burns)

8. The Skyrim edition

(from FeuerTin)

9. Kerbal Space Progam version

(from Simiel Black)

10. If Star Wars Episode VII was directed by Mel Brooks

(from Traincrew)

Another AWESOME TAKE on that Spaceballs version from filmgeekery 

11. If Michael Bay had made The Force Awakens . . .

(from RageNineteen)

12. If George Lucas made the original Trilogy in the style of J.J. Abrams

(from Dr. Jimmy Russell)

13. The Super Smash Wars version

(from TGN)

14. If Disney had full control of the new adventure

(from Darren Wallace)

...and here's a fan reaction mashup to the Episode VII trailer :

(from Blake Dale)

We'll leave you with some "George Lucas" thoughts on the new 88 second teaser and Spoiler Alert: He doesn't mention J.J. Binks!

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