The Summer Games 2017 event of Overwatch has finally launched, bringing back Lucioball and introducing new cosmetic items for players to collect.

The event, which returns the skins that were launched in last year's Olympic-themed Summer Games, also features all-new skins, including some legendary skins that have already risen in popularity among Overwatch fans.

Summer Games 2017 Legendary Skins

The Overwatch Summer Games adds seven new legendary skins to the game alongside many other cosmetic items that players can either purchase using 3,000 credits of in-game gold or acquire from hard-earned loot boxes.

Widowmaker's Cote D'Azur legendary skin outfits the deadly assassin in a revealing bikini, with sunglasses that are worn instead of her visor when she activates her ultimate skill. Joining the beach theme is McCree with his Lifeguard legendary skin, decking out the gunslinger in a lifeguard outfit with blond hair and a straw hat, and Sombra with her Tulum legendary skin, a watersports outfit in purple and green.

Deeper into the sports side for the new Overwatch legendary skins are Reaper with the Biker legendary skin, which decks him out in orange-and-black protective gear worn by BMX riders; Junkrat with the Cricket legendary skin, which envisions him as an Australian cricket player; and Mercy with the Winged Victory legendary skin, inspired by the Nike, the goddess of victory, and carrying an Olympic torch.

Standing out as perhaps the most entertaining one among the Summer Games 2017 legendary skins is Soldier: 76's Grillmaster: 76, which shows how the seasoned veteran would look like on a day off. He is wearing shorts and a dad shirt with his trademark "76" still written at the back, along with a "Raise the Steaks" apron. Also, if you look closer at his rifle, it is labelled "A Salt Rifle," a dad joke of the highest order.

The weapons of Sombra and Soldier: 76 in their legendary skins are the weird weapons previously spotted in last month's Doomfist video.

What Else Is In Summer Games 2017 For 'Overwatch'?

The Summer Games 2017 also introduces a slew of epic skins and other cosmetic items that include voice lines, emotes, highlight intros, and many more. The new epic skins can be purchased for 750 credits, rare cosmetic items for 225 credits, and common cosmetic items for 75 credits.

There will also be discounts for the returning items from last year's Summer Games, legendary skins can be purchased for 1,000 credits, epic skins for 250 credits, rare cosmetic items for 75 credits, and common cosmetic items for 25 credits.

In addition to collecting all the new cosmetics, players can relive the fast-paced action of Lucioball, a game mode where all players play as Lucio in a frantic version of soccer.

The Overwatch Summer Games 2017 event will last only until Aug. 29, so players should start collecting the cosmetic items and playing Lucioball to their heart's content.

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