The human eye is something extraordinary as it allows us to view the world and all the beauty it has to offer. Little did we know that the human eye was capable of seeing infrared light. It is very possible, according to a team of scientists, but it can only happen under the correct conditions.

Researchers performed tests on both human and mouse retinas, and they came away impressed. Humans and mice can detect infrared light, but for this to happen, human and mouse retinas would need a push.

"We are now trying to develop a new tool that would allow physicians to not only examine the eye but also to stimulate specific parts of the retina to determine whether it is functioning properly," said senior investigator Vladimir J. Kefalov, associate professor at Washington University's School of Medicine in St. Louis.

The researchers realized that by pushing quick pulses of laser light to the eye, it could start what they call a "double hit" and that would allow humans to view infrared lights. Kefalov and his colleagues are working on creating a tool that would make this possible.

While we are excited about the idea, we have to wonder if it wouldn't be dangerous for the retina to be blasted with laser light just for the sake of viewing infrared lights. If there is a way to make it possible without damaging the retina, then we are all for it.

We understand that some of the researchers have gone under the test already, and they have managed to see flashes of green lights during the study. This was surprising to the researchers, so we are sure this study will go the extra mile.

In the past, infrared lights were considered invisible to the human eye. However, other creatures were designed to view these lights, and the only way humans could see this phenomenon was by using machines.

If this study turns out well, it could change everything about the human race. A few surgical changes here and there to the eye along with some robotic parts could allow us to view infrared lights whenever we want.

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