Capcom releases a plethora of new information for the forthcoming title Monster Hunter: World.

Not only did the game developer release the new Elder Dragons trailer, it also announced the final beta and gave some insight into the first DLC for the title.

The Final Beta And First DLC Announced

The final beta will be available to PS4 gamers from Jan. 18 to Jan. 22. While the previous beta brought quests like the Great Jagras, Anjanath, and Barroth, the final beta will feature a battle against the games flagship monster, Nergigante.

The gaming company has confirmed, more than once, that it will bring content to the game after launch. Now, they’ve given players some new details about the first major title update.

The first DLC will be coming in spring 2018 and will add the monster Deviljho. According to Gematsu, the monster is massive in size and will devour anything in its path, even other monsters.

Elder Dragons Trailer Launched

The new three-minute trailer shows off the title's stunning graphics and introduces players to several new and returning Elder Dragons. Capcom gives some details about the monsters named Kushala Daora, Teostra, and Dodogama.

Check out the monsters in the trailer below.

Monster Hunter: World Feast

Meanwhile, Capcom is holding an epic feast for the fans in the United Kingdom. The gaming company announced the special event in preparation for the launch of the title.

Called The Monster Hunter Meat Shack, it will be free for anyone over the age of 16. Fans >will be able to partake in a meat feast at London's Flat Iron Square from Thursday, Jan. 25 to Sunday, Jan. 28.

Diners will share meat platters or burgers, served from a huge meat spit, all while playing the new Monster Hunter: World game. Fans will also get a complimentary drink to wash down all the meat.

Notably, the event mirrors the game where a player hunts giant and ferocious monsters before carving them up for nourishment. It is also unique way to market the new title and a lot of the fans think so as well, so much so that the tickets have already sold out.

However, there will be a second round of tickets that will go on sale starting Jan. 10 on the Eventbrite site.

Monster Hunter: World will release worldwide for PS4 and Xbox One on Jan. 26 and will arrive for PC sometime in the fall. In Japan, the title will only be available on the PS4.

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