A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology revealed that colon cancer patients who consume nuts regularly have reduced risk of cancer recurrence.

In the study involving more than 800 Stage III colon cancer patients, Charles Fuchs, the director of Yale Cancer Center, and colleagues also found that patients who consumed nuts have a lower risk for early death than their counterparts who did not eat nuts.

"The association of total nut intake with improved outcomes was maintained across other known or suspected risk factors for cancer recurrence and mortality," Fuchs and colleagues wrote in their study.

The findings suggest that colon cancer patients can benefit from consumption of peanuts and tree nuts such as almonds, pecans, and walnuts. Individuals who are not suffering from any health condition should still consider adding nuts to their diet.

Burn Belly Fat

A 2015 study found that consuming 42 grams of almonds daily was linked to improved levels of low-density lipoproteins and total cholesterol in middle-aged individuals who were overweight and had high levels of bad cholesterol in their body. For those who want to reduce or eliminate unsightly bulges, researchers also found that the participants who consumed nuts saw a reduction in waistlines and amounts of leg fat.

Lower Children's Risk Of Peanut Allergy

For women, consuming nuts during pregnancy may reduce their child's risk of allergies. In a study involving more than 8,200 children, researchers found that children whose mothers eat peanuts or tree nuts at least five times a week had the lowest risk of having tree nut or peanut allergy.

Reduce Risk Of Prostate Cancer Death

Prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer among American men. Figures from the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that prostate cancer killed more than 28,300 men in the United States in 2014.

A Harvard Medical School research revealed that it's possible to avoid death from prostate cancer by eating tree nuts. Researchers followed 47,000 men over the course of 26 years and found that men who consumer tree nuts at least five times a week were 34 percent less likely to die from prostate cancer than those who consumed nuts less than once in 30 days.

Can Help With Longevity

People consuming nuts face a reduced risk of developing deadly cardiovascular disease and cancer. Eating 20 grams of nuts daily lowers risk of coronary heart disease by 30 percent, cancer risk by 15 percent and early death by 22 percent.

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