It's 2019, and it's high time you realize that a good online marketing strategy can be built tactfully, lowering your cost per acquisition.

Armed with the right data, the right partnerships, and the right re-targeting, you can actually save money on your marketing efforts and continue to drive better conversions.

Here are 5 highly innovative, data-backed ways to do exactly that with your E-commerce sales strategy in 2019:

Concentrate More On Desktop Conversions

You absolutely cannot ignore the mobile platform now. Despite experiencing a blip in traffic from over 52 percent in Q3 2018 to a bit of over 47 percent in Q4 2018, mobile traffic continues to dominate the narrative when it comes toward the platform you would want to target as an E-commerce store.

However, despite all that traffic, conversions from mobile remain sluggish at just 1.84 percent in Q3 2018. Desktop still continues to convert at more than double of that rate, averaging at 3.94 percent conversions for the same period.

Mobile still doesn't drive conversions as much as you would want it too, and that's because not a lot of people can make a purchase decision based on what they see on those small screens.

On the other hand, it's a whole lot easier for a consumer to navigate a site on a desktop, looking at discounts, checking on by comparing on different tabs, etc.

If you are an entrepreneur looking to save money but still don't want to compromise your sales growth, target the desktop platform more, and the results will undoubtedly lower the cost you need to spend for each conversion at your store.

Sending Basket Abandonment Emails

If we just take the desktop conversion rate, it implies that more than 96 customers out of 100 bounce off of your site, but that certainly doesn't mean that they were just not interested in making a transaction.

There are ways to lure those customers back into the funnel, and all you need to do is to look for things that could be fixed for those consumers so that they can make their buying decision more comfortably.

Basket abandonment is a major headache for all online stores, but do you know that around 54 percent of them can come back only if they find the same product being offered at a lower price?

The cost of acquiring new customers is huge, so a minor reduction in prices and then sending out targeted basket abandonment emails can enable you to jack up your sales significantly with major returns on investment. $44 can be generated by spending a single dollar on such targeted email marketing, so it's high time you use these facts to your benefit.

Discounts And Freebies Still Make A Significant Impact On Consumer's Purchase Decisions

Instead of spending outrageous sums of money on placing ads and building up customer flow streams, you can instead offer discounts to lure in customers. The fact is that they still work as best as ever in making customers pour into your site for purchases.

Charges such as shipping often make customers abandon their carts in vast numbers. Removing these obstacles through your marketing budget can significantly work toward boosting your conversions.

Enlist Affiliates

If someone comes to you and offers to market your product for you, would you turn down that offer? Obviously, no, so that's exactly what affiliates do, and you need to learn to make use of them right now.

Affiliates have their own marketing budgets and traffic streams, which can be channeled to your site quite easily if you strike a partnership with them to offer your product at a discounted rate on their site and also allow them to earn commissions.

Users always love a good discount, and if they can get some great coupon codes from CouponBuffer to secure a 10 percent cost reduction on the new product you have, your sales can get jacked up in no time.

Build Up Your SEO Strategy Before You Even Start Off

The competition on Google's real estate is incredibly fierce, and if your keyword doesn't rank within the first 10 or 20 results, your business will be condemned to the latter page obscurity.

Many E-commerce sites fail to invest much in their SEO before they start, and that's a misstep you cannot afford to take. Ranking in the top results on Google has become much harder than before, as you have to do many different things such as building authoritative links, increasing your DR and DA, working on your Trust flow, etc., to gain credibility as a site in the eyes of the engine.

These things take time, so give yourself a head start by starting off with your SEO much before you actually launch. This can go a long way toward allowing you to start off with a bang.

Getting to top results on Google can save you hordes of cash that you will spend on things such as PPC if you don't start early enough.


From sending hard sales pitches to working on your funnel segmentation, running an E-commerce business can require you to be on top of your game at all times. You can only accomplish that if you don't go down the clichéd, oft-beaten paths.

These tweaks to your E-commerce sales strategy can appear benign, but their effect will certainly be felt in the business down the road if you stick to them and execute them strategically.

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