Those whose AirPods have gotten quieter ever since purchasing the pair might be entitled to a new pair for free.

Those who suspect Apple's wireless headphones to be in worse shape than when they bought them can approach Apple for a fresh new pair at no extra cost. The only catch is that the AirPods still have to be under their one-year warranty in order to take advantage of this perk.

Free AirPods Replacement

Reddit user Slithery_0 points out that those who can prove their AirPods have gone quieter since they bought them, or any aspect of their audio quality has noticeably decreased, can take them to an Apple Store and get them replaced for free.

Even for those who don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with their AirPods, it might be worth a shot to check again. Testing is fairly easy. Just take out the pair of AirPods and a pair of wired Apple headphones that comes bundled with iOS devices and a device from which to play music, of course.

How To Check If AirPods Is Quiet

First, listen to a song using the wired headphones. Check for things such as volume and clarity. At this point, it's important to make note of how loud the music is, how clear it is, or whether there's any noticeable error or blemish in the overall quality of sound. Done.

Next, disconnect the wired pair, connect AirPods, and do the same thing. Check if the quality is the same as the wired headphones. Make sure to make note if it's just as loud too.

If there's a striking difference between the two, then it's best to take the AirPods to the nearest Apple Store and get them replaced for free, especially if the pair is still within its warranty period. It's worth noting, however, that some Reddit users in the thread say it might take a bit of convincing before one gets a replacement. It's a good idea to bring the above-mentioned equipment to the store in case an employee requests the customer to replicate the problem.

It's not clear if quieter AirPods are a sign of a much widespread problem among Apple users, but many users in that Reddit thread point out that their pair have indeed demonstrated diminished audio quality. If you're having the same experience, make sure to go over the steps above and check just to be sure.

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