Rockstar Games has just released three Red Dead Online: Frontier Pursuits, adding a boatload of content for the game including new specialist roles.

The summer update to Red Dead Online introduces a wide range of features and gameplay changes to help give players more things to do in the game. This is highlighted by the addition of three new frontier roles: the Bounty Hunter, the Trader, and the Collector.

Bounty Hunter

Players can now choose to become one of three specialists in the game, each coming with its own sets of tasks and challenges to overcome.

To start as a Bounty Hunter, gamers need to make their way to Rhodes and meet up with the legendary bounty hunter there. This is also where they can buy the Bounty Hunter License, which is required for the role.

Bounty Hunters take on jobs by visiting bounty boards found near train stations, post offices, and law offices across the world map. They then need to track down and bring their targets to justice.

Each bounty varies in difficulty, with some being more challenging than others. At times, players will need to go up against multiple targets or armed gangs at once. This can be made easier by bringing along a Posse, though they will ask for their cut from the bounty. It's also a good idea to keep targets alive as much as possible as this can yield a higher reward.

Gamers will receive more clothing, unique items, weapon skins, and horse equipment the more they progress in specialist toles. Bounty Hunter-specific skills and items include:

  • Focus - Targets glow red when Eagle Eye is used
  • Reinforced Lasso - Makes lassos stronger to keep targets secure
  • Eagle Eye+ - Allows tracking of enemies while sprinting or galloping
  • Bolas - Throws a weapon that tangles the legs of enemies
  • Dual Gun Spinning - Allows gun spinning tricks with two pistols or revolvers


Becoming a Trader allows players to turn their camp into a burgeoning business. Cripps, the camp's trusty companion, takes on a more active role by transforming various sourced materials into sellable goods. Gamers need to acquire the Butcher's Table to initiate the Trader specialist role.

Much like Bounty Hunters, Traders also have their unique skills and items that can be unlocked by advancing in the role. These include:

  • Stew Pot - Allows players to cook more stew recipes to boost cores
  • Canine Warning - Allows players' dog companion to give a warning when thieves attack the camp
  • Lance Knife - A bespoke knife style available exclusively to Traders
  • Efficiency - Increases the amount of raw materials received from perfect carcasses when donating to trading companies
  • Protection - Lowers the chances of raids being launched against player camps


Players who want to become a Collector will have to seek out the help of the mysterious travelling saleswoman Madam Nazar. She will be the one to sell gamers the Collector's Bag, which is needed to start the specialist role.

Collectors travel the world in search of valuable items ranging from discarded Tarot cards to buried family heirlooms or treasures. Their unique skills and items include:

  • Intuition - Narrows the search area when looking for items
  • Refined Binoculars - Helps identify potential dig sites even from great distances
  • Aguila Machete - Allows the use of a restyled machete exclusively for Collectors
  • Metal Detector - Helps locate Collectibles buried underground
  • Equine Assistance - Allows players to pick up items even when on horseback

The Bounty Hunter License, Butcher Table, and Collector's Bag can be bought for 15 Gold Bars. However, these items can also be obtained for free through various means.

Players who have an active PlayStation Plus subscription can get the Butcher Table at no cost by simply talking to Cripps. This is available from the time of the update's launch until Oct. 14.

Meanwhile, aspiring Collectors who were able to collect all 54 hidden playing cards in GTA Online will receive Collector's Bag for free through Oct. 14.

Members of Twitch Prime who successfully linked their Twitch and Rockstar Games Social Club accounts on Sept. 8 should also get their free Bounty Hunter License. Those who missed out on the deadline should still receive their license within 72 hours after they have linked their accounts.

More Content For Red Dead Online

Aside from the three new specialist roles, Frontier Pursuits also adds the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Club to the game. Members will receive several in-game rewards, such as a special gun wrap, new clothing and accessories, bonus cash, and free care packages.

Players who will sign in to Red Dead Online between Sept. 10 and Nov. 18 will be enrolled in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Club automatically.

The update also introduces The Outlaw Pass, which allows gamers to receive various perks and gear throughout the course of the game. These include exclusive clothing, weapons stylings, campsite themes, bonus cash, and even Gold gifts. The feature can be unlocked by paying 35 Gold Bars.

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