Some people, particularly, women find that they get fat arms that appear flabby. So-called 'bat wing arms' can really make a woman feel very embarrassed and self-conscious. It is also not something that is easy to hide. You can wear long sleeves but this becomes uncomfortable when it is hot during the summer time. Many women want to be able to wear pretty short-sleeved blouses and summer dresses or tops that are off the shoulder.

The reasons for unsightly arms are many. Genetics and environmental factors all play a role in what your body looks like.  Some environmental factors include gaining too much body fat or losing fat suddenly. The other cause is aging, as we get older our hormone levels change and often drop. In addition, our skin loses its firmness and tone and tends to become looser and sags unattractively.

Living a sedentary lifestyle in which there is no physical exercise and eating too much unhealthy junk food also adds to the problem. Changing your diet to include more healthy food, drinking less sugary drinks like sodas, and eating more protein may be helpful, especially if you are planning on exercising. Women have much less testosterone than men do which is one reason why our muscle development is lower than in men. This may also be the reason that flabby arms are primarily a problem that is seen in women rather than in men, unless the men are obese.


Can you do exercises to help slim your arms?

There are exercises that you can do to help tone and lose any of the excess fat on your arms. Any exercises that specifically focus on and strengthen your arm muscles are also helpful in this regard. Exercises such as biceps curls or hammer curls can work well. For these arm exercises you use dumbbells and move in a specific way. You can find out more details on how these exercises work by visiting this site: Exercises are also helpful because they build muscle as well as burn off excess calories.

There are arm exercises that work the biceps, the muscle on the front side of the arm, and there are also different exercises that work well for working the triceps. The triceps is the three-headed muscle found on the back part of the arm.

What other options are there for flabby arms?

If exercises are not working then you may want to consider cosmetic surgery. Of course, you do need to be in good physical health if you plan on having any type of cosmetic procedure done.

Liposuction is a way to remove any extra fat in the arm and this is routinely done. However, this may not be enough since many women also have excess skin on the arm, which is not eliminated via liposuction methods. For many women, then, the best cosmetic option is to have a brachioplasty which also involves the cutting away of the extra loose skin as well as the removal of the fatty tissue.

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