(Photo : Screenshot from Twitter of @Techinfinityli1)

Genomic sequencing is a process for analyzing a sample of DNA that is taken from your blood. Once extracted, it will then be prepared for sequencing. It was discovered in the early 1970s and emerged with the first-generation sequencing technologies.

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Only in the last decade, was there a technological shift in the bioinformatics field: Much larger genomes can now be sequenced at a much faster rate and cost-effectively, resulting in the computational need to systematically contrast large and copious sequences. Furthermore, to detect conserved similitudes across a large collection of genomes remains an issue. 

Although there have been emerging technologies in Genome Sequencing throughout the years, much recent study of that shows it's potential medically.

What Exactly Is Genome Sequencing Good For? 

Primarily it is to obtain information about medical value for future care. Genomic sequencing can provide information on genetic variants that can lead to disease or can increase the risk of disease development, even in asymptomatic people.

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Ultra-Fast Genome Sequencing, Does It Exist Now?

The answer is YES

Doctors from The Rady's Institute for Genomic Medicine recently used their study to sequence genomes from an infant that was suffering from an unknown illness. Luckily the infant was rushed to the hospital in Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego. Regardless of it only being a clinical trial, the infant's parents did not hesitate for one bit and went ahead with the process. Luckily the sequencing was successful. They managed to pinpoint the cause after 36 hours, and the doctors from Rady's managed to treat the infant. The infant has shown no signs of slowing down after being treated.

Are We Prepared For Such An Advanced Procedure?

There are skeptics about the procedure of Ultra-Fast Genome Sequencing because they think it is still too soon to even consider testing it out fully on all infants. As of the moment, a health plan provider based in Oakland, California, called Blue Shield of California. They are currently the first insurer to cover such procedures for infants and in children as well. Around an average of 28 children are under Blue Shield's supervision, all have received the testing. Blue Shield expects that about an estimated 250 to 500 newborns will be eligible for the whole genome sequencing each year.

It Gives Hope To A Better Life In The Future Despite

The number of advantages in using next-generation sequencing at diagnosis is abundant and promising. One is that it gives a real insight into the biology of the illness. It helps give doctors a better perspective on how to properly treat an unknown cause. Now, if the sequencing is said to be more used in other institutes, it will help build knowledge bases and databases of clinical and genomic information. It seems that there are no actual drawbacks in using this genomic procedure as of the moment. 

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