In a recent reports, Italy has found that only fewer than 30% of the coronavirus (covid-19) victims within their country are women which leaves a whopping 70% of the victims to be men! Other countries have started to report similar statistics agreeing that men have higher chances of getting infected by this deadly virus.

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Men Coronavirus

The coronavirus or Covid-19 has already claimed the lives of more than about 254,000 coronavirus cases around the world where at least 10,440 deaths which puts this pandemic in the seven-digit death mark.

The statistical evidence

Recently, there have been at least 3,400 deaths in Italy which have been from this disease which has been announced as of yesterday that the death toll is higher than that of China. The results of the statistics have found that there were less than 1,000 of these deaths that were females.

With further study into the topic, Italy's very own public health research agency has found that men are more likely to pick up the infection in the first places and account for about 60% of the confirmed cases. A more recent analysis brought the numbers much higher bringing the death rate in men to an alarming 80% while only 20% were women! This gap has slowly narrowed over time but is still quite strong.

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Italy has just found out through scientists in JAMA that of 22,512 patients, 60% of these are male and only 40% are female.

China reports similar findings while UK has yet to find out

Research being done in China regarding the pandemic's start as well as outbreaks now happening have found that at least two thirds of patients who died were male! Researchers in China then point fingers at cultural habits of their men that include heavy smoking and drinking but this cultural factor may be different with other countries.

The UK has not been able to report their stand in whether or not males are more likely to die since the covid-19 is still in its early stages. According to scientists, they cannot specifically pinpoint why women seem less likely to die but have then suggested that women tend to have a naturally stronger immune system which protects them from greater risks of long-term health conditions.

The World Health Organization's findings and other comments

According to the statistics given by the World Health Organization or WHO, men have a 65% chance of dying from coronavirus compared to women. Further figures show that only 1.7% of women infected by the virus would die compared to the 2.8% of men.

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According to a statement in the Washington Post by Sabra Klein who is a professor at Johns Hopkins' University located in Baltimore, Marlyland, "The honest truth is that today we don't know why covid-19 is more severe for men than women or why the magnitude of the difference is greater in Italy than China,"

Another comment reported by The Telegraph was given by a professor of medicine from the University of East Anglia saying, "Women are intrinsically different to men in their immune response."

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