As a holiday treat to the millions of Destiny players around the world, developer Bungie decided to gift a legendary weapon to players free of charge.

Of course this is the Internet we are talking about, so plenty of people took the gesture of thanks as an opportunity to whine about Destiny and how crappy their gift was. It seems like the gift each player receives is chosen randomly from a selection of Vanguard weapons. It's that "random" part that is making some gamers upset as they looked a gift horse right in the mouth. Many players don't need another fusion rifle or shotgun, and are mostly upset that Santa (Bungie) didn't bring them what they actually wanted.

Players who don't get a gun worth using can always break the item down into components used to upgrade gear, but that's not as exciting as getting a badass new weapon! At least some people are thankful for their digital present.

Just goes to show that some people love to complain, even if its about free loot.

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