The world is moving up with online media. Everything, from known workforce companies to the linguistics, science, entertainment, and even education sectors, is transitioning to use a home-based and distant flow of work. Technology companies even launched their new releases online, and the world did not see that this was possible during 2020.

As the world adapts to the "new normal," the people, industries, and companies all gravely rely on their computers and the internet to connect and move forward with life. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) brought out the best and worst of people. However, it has shown the world of human beings' ever-resilient attitude despite the situation they face. The said move and transition fast-tracked the integration and convergence that was supposed to happen years into the future.

Organizations that are presently adapting the the "new normal" are at risk and threatened by the heartless criminals that aim to manipulate and take advantage of the ill-prepared maliciously.

10 Tips for Your Company's Cybersecurity

Raz Rafaeli, CEO, and Co-Founder at Secret Double Octopus, shares some integral tips that are important to observe and uphold in one's own company, may it be an established one or start-up, for security and safety. These safeguards below can improve the company's overall strength and susceptibility to various threats found on the internet.

1. Beware of Phishing Scams 

Phishing scams are the most common threat to companies transitioning to a purely home-based set-up or work-from-home. Phishing may even come in the form of a legitimately-looking corporate e-mail that may damage the employees' systems and the company's.

Make sure that employees are well-adept to distinguish a legitimate company link and discern phishing and malware links. Also, promote the utilization of multi-factor authentication (MFA) that can significantly impede malware and hackers from accessing sensitive information.

2. Use a Trusted VPN 

Virtual Private Networks does not only help in accessing different websites outside the company's firewall but also helps in hiding networks that host the company's assets, information, and resources.

VPNs can be used by any member of the company, depending on the subscription plan. Make sure to also apply multi-factor authentication on the account used for VPNs to avoid foreign access.

3. Use a secure SSO Platform 

Different company websites and even accessing various cloud networks may significantly hinder the work done on a single day because of multiple sign-ins and access. Setting up a Single Sign-on (SSO) platform with MFA will allow the company to perform efficiently and have a single account for all its databases and networks.

4. Update Regularly 

This mantra and reminder should always be kept in check and adopted by all of the company members. For the multiple and complex systems to work as one, updates and patches are essential for a joint function. Updating different software, systems, and networks may help the company achieve its goal more efficiently.

5. Review Privileged Access

This one is for the heads, ITs, and managers of the company. Privileged access should only be available to individual employees who have clearance and essential role for the company. Make sure to identify and have a list of people to discern and keep track of those who use company assets.

6. Provide Secure Collaboration Tools 

Collaboration tools are as essential as company databases because there would no longer be a workplace to share sensitive company information. Secure and trusted collaboration tools can help ensure different colleagues, departments, and workmates to regain the office's flow even at their own homes.

7. Back-up your Data 

This cannot be stressed enough. Companies should choose secure clouds and back-up their data, especially during a surge or high-demand for internet usage. Internet providers may have their systems and servers crash, impacting company production.

8. Plan for Upcoming Helpdesk Needs 

Working-from-home means that the company should have all hands on deck, with no one left behind. All functions and positions are essential towards the company's goal, including helpdesks teams that can resolve the most straightforward and most crucial tasks in remote work.

9. Encrypt Sensitive Data

Data loss is a huge threat even before remote work, and since its dawn, data loss is happening almost every time. Corporate data, especially those that can be potentially used against the company, should be encrypted in-case it falls into the wrong hands. Encryption can also help with the loss of personal devices not to lead to the loss of data.

10. Educate Employees on Cybersecurity Basics

Employees are one of the foundations of the company, and most attacks and threats start with them. Home networks and even personal computers are susceptible to cyberattacks, and this dramatically differs from the workplace with certain levels of protection.

Each employee must be well adept at knowing what needs to be done and what it takes to secure even their data and devices.

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This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Isaiah Alonzo

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