Today, indie video game developer and publisher Wadjet Games announced their partnership with indie game developer Technocrat and introduced their new retro-inspired point-and-click adventure thriller game Technobabylon.

Technobabylon takes place in 2087, a dystopian cyberpunk future where everyone has undergone genetic engineering and something called "Trance" replaces most human interaction. There is even an all-knowing artificial intelligence, Central, who powers the city and uses its police force to spy on everyone.

The game features three main characters: Charlie Regis, a policeman being bribed with the lives of his unborn children; Latha Sesame, an assassination target addicted to Trance; and Max Lao, a case officer forced to pick a side between her best friend and her job.

"As these three struggle to save themselves, they will soon discover a string of conspiracies that threatens not only their lives, but everything they think they know," states the official Technobabble website

Wadjet Eye Games recently released a trailer giving us a small peak at character Charlie Regis.

If that interests you, be sure to read the in-game official case study for Charlie on the official Technobabylon website.

Technobabylon started out a few years ago as a free episodic game, including eight chapters. However, after Technocrat received feedback from players about the free game, the story and gameplay were completely re-imagined and revamped, including new pixel art by Ben Chandler and professional voice acting.

"So, I realized I needed to make the best darned Technobabylon I could," says Technocrat's James Deardon. "Now a full-length game rather than a series of episodes, and with a style that screamed 'retro cyberpunk,' Technobabylon has been coming along nicely into something more like I've spent the last four years trying to make it. In a couple of months, it'll be playable, and you can see what's happened with it— particularly if you're one of the folk who played the episodes, and has been waiting for Part 4 since March 2011."

Technobabylon officially launches this spring on PC, with Mac and Linux versions to follow. For updates, follow the official Wadjet Eye Games website and blog.

[Photo Credit: Wadjet Eye Games]

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