Microsoft is more trustworthy than Apple, feels Americans, a Forrester study claims.

The study, conducted by Forrester Research as part of its TRUE brand compass framework, sought to identify which brands are winning the battle for consumer mindshare by measuring how trusted, remarkable, unmistakable and essential (TRUE) they are to consumers. It found that Microsoft outpaces Apple in the battle for consumer mindshare.

Apple and Samsung may be innovative companies but Microsoft won the consumers' hearts as the most trusted brand. Apple may also had the highest overall rank for being "unmistakable" and "remarkable" but the study showed that consumers do not consider it as "essential" as Microsoft.

The report was based on a survey of 4,551 U.S. adults. It revealed that the most trusted and essential technology brand is Microsoft, a "surprise upset" as Forrester described it. The software giant was the only company to achieve the highest "trailblazer" status, which indicates that it is "at the forefront of brand building with a unique and distinct brand identity that sets it apart from other brands."

Although consumers consider Apple, Samsung and Microsoft as innovative, Forrester's Tracy Stokes explained what set Microsoft apart. "While Apple and Samsung battle it out to reign supreme with the coveted Millennial generation, Microsoft has quietly stolen the consumer technology crown by becoming more trusted and essential across multiple generations," she wrote. "The very ubiquity that perhaps renders it uncool turns out to also be its strength."

The Forrester analysis isn't the first report to support Microsoft's brand supremacy over Apple as well. A report from UTA Brand Studio also showed that Microsoft toppled Apple in terms of consumer brand strength.

UTA Brand Studio founder and executive director Larry Vincent admitted that the result is surprising but explained that it is because a lot of people see Microsoft as "just-us-folks" and not as unapproachable as Apple.

"We were surprised too, until you understand attachment," said Vincent. "A lot of the world uses Microsoft products and people relate to it, while Apple is like a prom king or queen, beautiful but not really like us."

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