Senior Advisor Philip Eggan of Goldfingr is also CTO of green data center leader TerraScale. He explains the synergy between the disruptive new global investment platform Goldfingr and the types of projects getting funded by the network- all of which share an ethos of rejuvenation, global sharing and sustainability

(Photo : The Modern Circular Economy: A Case Study)

"The Circular Economy." You may have heard the term floating around the past few years as the concept gains traction- but what exactly is a circular economy? And how is it different from the traditional linear economy to which we have grown so accustomed?

Unlike the traditional linear economic model based on a 'take-make-consume-throw away' model, a circular economy is rooted in sharing, leasing, reuse, repair, refurbishment, and recycling, in an (almost) closed loop, where products and the materials they contain are highly valued. 

However, the ongoing shift to this paradigm also poses changes in areas such as financing; key economic enablers; skills; consumer behavior, and business models. In that context, there is a unique opportunity to create change in the areas of global business acceleration and most especially, sustainability- which has probably received the most attention of any component of the circular model.

Goldfingr, the world's first Virtual Mastermind and Global investment club is harnessing the power of social networks in conjunction with a mixed-model of digital asset-based and traditional company pipeline funding to create a self-contained circular economy that actually delivers on the hype you've heard about. The platform (and network, with over 100,000 global members including visionaries like Andrew Yang) has been expertly constructed to incubate technologically-forward projects with a sustainable ethos, providing the architecture to venture build and bring these projects from seed to IPO. 

The Goldfingr platform takes the daunting task of capital raising and entirely simplifies the process for startup businesses anywhere in the world that are connected to the aforementioned ecosystem ethos best summed up as "rejuvenation related". In the sometimes-stale, centralized, traditional financial services model, fundraising efforts are the most time-consuming undertaking for any new startup. Most venture capitalists agree that a startup seeking its first round of funding takes a minimum of six months to secure; and that is with 100% of the company's efforts directed towards fundraising, which, while important, is not where the majority of CEO's want to focus their efforts and energy. 

The Goldfingr ecosystem provides the basis of an actual circular economic case study that, with scale and repetition, is quickly revolutionizing and disrupting the foundation of modern technology incubation, acceleration, and capital deployment while conforming with governance and compliance around the world. The platform has already secured over $400 million in funded projects and over $500 billion in combined capital since its inception just a few years ago.

One of Goldfingr's most notable funding efforts surrounds green technology leader, TerraScale. TerraScale was seeking funding to build the largest renewable energy data center project in the US, and upon leveraging the Goldfingr network, raised a Series A funding of $4MM, after the company previously completed a seed funding round prior to that of $2.65MM in two days. These funding rounds were so transformative for TerraScale, and so eye-opening for the Goldfingr team, that the GF team decided to launch Greenfingr, its own internal arm for incubating fully dedicated sustainability projects. Where Goldfingr projects are tech-forward and generally in the spirit of rejuvenation, all Greenfingr projects are exclusively sustainability-focussed, incorporating climate-positive technologies such as green data centers, green energy resources, and myriad environmental undertakings in blockchain and fintech applications.

The Goldfingr/Greenfinger initiative is focused on creating a more sustainable, green future for the world at large, and our efforts will only become more significant and impactful as our network continues to grow. I'm proud that the Mastermind Principle and Goldfingr have already proven their shared thesis with the work done for firms like TerraScale and others. I remain excited for the current and future projects gaining momentum through raising capital on the platform. In the near term, look for a plethora of African blockchain startups solving humanitarian and access-related issues.

And as always, may the circle be unbroken. 

About Philip Eggen

Philip is the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at TerraScale. At TerraScale, Philip is responsible for developing multiple vectors of innovative technology in collaboration with multiple consortium partners. In addition to creating business models and planning in conjunction with a pipeline of multiple international sustainable projects in excess of $1B of value.

Philip has prior experience managing and deploying new and innovative technology, including an idea of his own, the Passive Financial Vehicle, which piggy-backed off of a blockchain central technology utilizing masternodes, aimed towards allowing users to accrue wealth through an application in a passive way. He founded the Divi Project to build this technology. Philip along with his team raised an investment of $1.75M which allowed the company to scale. He successfully exited the company and is now advising multiple blockchain projects.


About Goldfingr:

Goldfingr is an exclusive global investment club and all-inclusive mastermind network that connects funding to entrepreneurs in a one-stop-shop. Goldfingr is the modern paradigm of social clubs-a think tank, incubator and socially conscious business accelerator. We use technology, events and brick and mortar social clubs to keep our members connected. We've integrated raising capital, investing, business, the arts, entertainment and social, adding unprecedented value to our members, with a complete VIP experience.

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