The East Coast is bracing itself for a historic snow storm, which according to the National Weather Service, could leave New York City and surrounding areas with up to three feet of snow before it comes to an end on Tuesday. There are blizzard and winter storm (lighting, freezing rain, hurricane-like winds) warnings issued from New Jersey through Maine.

"I want everyone to understand that we are facing— most likely— one of the largest snowstorms in the history of this city," said New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo advised that people work from home if possible, or leave early to avoid the messy commute. So, if you are out before the blizzard really hits, you should make sure you pick up last-minute items you will need to survive the storm.

If you were like the countless others in your area, than you hit supermarket shelves yesterday to pick up essentials like milk, bread, eggs and toilet paper.

And while many stores sell out of these items before the storm even hits, there are other things that you will need if you are going to be stuck in the house for a few days. Here are the last-minute items you need before the blizzard hits.


Water is the most important item you will need. Sometimes in major storms, electricity can go out, leaving you without a water supply if pumps aren't running. Make sure that there is enough water for each person in your house, three quarters of a gallon for each person per day. If your water gets shut off, it's also good to have extra water to flush the toilet and for making food.


Since snow and winds can bring down power lines, make sure you have flashlights with enough batteries to keep them working. You can also stock up on candles or look into a generator if there is still time. We all know from Hurricane Sandy that the power was out for weeks for some, leaving them without electricity or heat in their house.


Since you won't be leaving your house for at least two days, make sure that you have medicine in case you or someone in your family becomes ill. It's always good to have band-aids, antibiotic ointment, aspirin, allergy meds and alcohol to clean cuts in case of an emergency. If you take prescription medicine, make sure you pick up your refill after leaving work early today. Since it's cold and flu season, you should pick up tea and cans of soup, both of which are non-perishable.


Speaking of non-perishable foods, items such as crackers and cereal are important to have around in case your power goes out. Stock up on some of your favorite snacks and make sure you have enough food to last a few days.

Snow removal

Chances are shovels and salt are going quick at Home Depot., but you may be lucky to find some elsewhere. While a snowblower seems more appropriate for this storm, you will need at least one shovel to dig yourself out. Just make sure that while the blizzard is in full force, you stay indoors. Tree branches can come down and cause injury, plus the visibility with be close to zero. You can build a snowman or start shoveling after the storm passes.

Staying Warm

Bring out the blankets and booze! That's right, the blizzard is the perfect excuse to hit the liquor store on a Monday. Pick up your favorite bottle to keep you warm as your snuggle up under mountains of blankets and queue up your Netflix binge-watching session.
It's also important that you charge your phone, laptops, tablets and other gadgets just in case the power does go out. Other than that, take the next two (or few days) to hang around and relax with your family members or pets (make sure they have enough food too!).

Stay safe and warm!

[PHOTO CREDIT: Jason Persse/Flickr]

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