Rockstar Games has many titles and franchises that are considered cult classics and fan favorites. With that, the company is releasing a new update for its "Red Dead Online" game that has not been receiving much attention.

New 'Red Dead Online' Update Will Give Players Access to Three New Missions 

According to Game Rant, the "Red Dead Online" game will finally be getting a new update which is expected to bring three additional missions for players to enjoy. It would be the first time in a while that Rockstar Games decided to release an update, unlike with "GTA Online," which consistently gets new content.

The Game Rant describes how hard it has been for multiple "Red Dead Online" fans since there has not been much new content for a while. Some fans have even expressed their criticism of Rockstar Games due to how they were focusing more on "GTA Online."

As reported, "Red Dead Online" players were said to be neglected with the game not receiving regular updates and content. Players once hosted an online funeral event for the "Red Dead Online" as a way to symbolize how the game was dead due to the lack of new content.

Rockstar Games to Provide The New Content Under Telegram Missions

It was reported that despite the issues, many fans are still waiting for a new Red Dead Online update for fresh content, as fans have long been asking for it. With the three new missions, these players would at least get new tasks to finish online.

Players would be getting three Telegram missions in which players can decide whether they want to participate or not. These missions go by the names of The Bell Tolls, Hostage to Fortune, and the last one is called Trial & Tribulation.

'Red Dead Online' Players Can Enjoy the Three Missions One After the Other

With regards to the new mission, Hostage to Fortune is one that involves players looking for a chief witness that has run off. This witness plays an important part in a particular court case, and players need to race against the bounty hunters to complete the mission.

The second mission is called The Bells Tolls, which requires players to protect a train to the gallows. The train would reportedly be hosting some of the O'Driscoll Boys, and players would be in charge of the transportation.

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The New Missions Spark Hope of Support From Rockstar Games

The last mission is the Trial & Tribulation, which involves trying to rescue families from Valentine. It happens after the families are taken hostage by bad people trying to terrorize the town.

Game Rant reported that the player count for "Red Dead Online" has been dropping, but the new content can likely bring the game back to life. So far, the new missions can be seen as hope for Rockstar Games to release more content in the future.

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