Developments in the world of technology did not let up even until the last second, and towards the end of the year, there was massive news regarding updates and happenings in different corners of the world. First off, the Chinese have developed their latest take on a hypersonic engine, and this is the world's first, centering on the most powerful machinery built yet.

(Photo : Tech Times Weekly Wrap-up)

There were also leaks regarding the Apple HomePod's next-generation release, one that would feature a touchscreen LCD atop the device, alongside the infamous Toyota Daihatsu shut down. 

Chinese Engineers Bring the Most Powerful Hypersonic Engine

(Photo : Kaspars Eglitis from Unsplash)

Engineers led by Zhang Yining from the Beijing Power Machinery Institute, in collaboration with the People's Liberation Army 93160 Unit have delivered the "most powerful rotating detonation engine" in the world. This is a hypersonic engine, as claimed by the Chinese engineers that built it, one that can reach the speeds of Mach 16 and up to 18.6 miles (30 kilometers) in altitude. 

It was earlier revealed by reports that this engine can operate in two modes, and it shows the massive adaptability and efficiency of the machine. 

The estimates also claim that the detonation-driven propulsion is capable of converting nearly 80 percent of chemical energy to kinetic energy, offering a massive development in the combustion process. 

Read Also: Li-Fi: This Communication Tech Using Light for Data Transmission Could Surpass Wi-Fi's Speed by Over 100 Times 

Toyota Daihatsu's Plant Shuts Down-Why?

(Photo : Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Towards the end of the year, a massive shut down occurred at Toyota's Daihatsu plant in Japan, effectively halting all the production, as well as the import and export of its cars. This is because of the discovery regarding the irregular testing practices involving 64 models of the car company, with the systemic problems going on for decades on end. 

Associated Press report claimed that the shutdown will have Japan's Transport Ministry officials conduct investigations regarding the issues present. 

This centered on all four factories of the Daihatsu Motor Company, but this also highlights the issues among five Japanese automakers in the past years.

Apple's HomePod with LCD Leaks

(Photo : Kosutami via X)

A new leak has surfaced regarding the next-generation HomePod from Apple, centering on the device's upgrade that will bring a touchscreen LCD on top of the renowned smart home speaker. The improved version of the HomePod showcases a new smart display that will help expand more of the features available to users, centering on improved use on different occasions. 

Instead of having gesture-based controls and touch buttons, Apple will bring a screen, and would most likely offer a dedicated system that would be responsible for all operations. 

Moreover, it will be a dedicated smart device of the company, under the renowned Matter program, with Apple known for being part of this smart home protocol.

Related Article: Apple Develops Breakthrough Method to Double AI Power, Boost CPU Speed by 500% 

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