Fifty Shades of Grey may be very popular among a certain demographic, but the movie's highly sexualized content may make modest individuals turn fifty shades of pink in embarrassment.

While the movie can be described as a love story that involves BDSM, Pat Robertson made an attempt to explain the popular book and movie from his conservative viewpoint.

The former minister and media mogul explained to his older viewers what Fifty Shades of Grey is about during Monday's The 700 Club. Robertson doesn't seem the type to dive head-first into the perverse world of 50 Shades; however, that didn't stop him from giving it the ol' college try as he explained the book and movie to the audience.

"The amazing thing about Fifty Shades Of Grey is how many women have read the book and how many have gone to the movie," he said.

Robertson explained what the movie is about, getting some things right, and well, others so wrong.

"It's about all kinds of sadomasochism, it's about bondage, about whips, it's about boiling oil, it's about various types of restraints," he said.

It seems we missed that scene with the boiling oil. Either it was too hot for the big screen or it never existed. That's right; it never existed. Seems like he does have a creative imagination, though.

It's safe to say that chances are Robertson did not in fact watch the movie himself. He did make an attempt to explain it, calling it an "unreliable story of sadomasochistic bondage of women."

He was shocked that people are interpreting Fifty Shades as a romance story. In his opinion it is just about objectifying women and tying them up. The segment included a clip from an interview with Christian anti-sex trafficking activist Benjamin Nolot, so somehow Fifty Shades is tied to this topic.

Whether you agree with the views of the movie or not, Robertson's comments are entertaining.

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[PHOTO CREDIT: Raw Story/YouTube]

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