The most awkward part of going on a date with actress Emma Watson is taking out your wallet to pay.

During an hour-long Q&A for the HeforShe campaign on International Women's Day, Watson spoke about feminism and how chivalry should not be dead.

The former Harry Potter actress talked about going out for dates, and said it's "awkward" when men don't allow the woman to pick up the dinner bill.

"I actually took a man out for dinner, and I chose the restaurant, and I offered to pay," Watson said, "and it was really awkward and uncomfortable. I'm just going to say that."

She revealed that while the unnamed date called himself a feminist, her offering to pay for dinner made him "feel a bit tetchy."

While the UN Goodwill Ambassador doesn't mind paying for dinner when out on a date, she admits she "loves chivalry." She called it polite when a man opens a door for a woman, but says that the roles should go both ways. If a man pays for dinner, then a woman should be able too as well without the situation becoming awkward.

"Isn't that just a nice thing to do for something else? I love having the door opened for me," Watson said. "I love being taken to dinner, it's so great. I think the key is: would you then mind if I opened the door for you?"

Instead of following a status quo, Watson said that chivalry should be consensual, making both people feel good.

So how did her date end? The awkward date was willing to hear her out. "But the cool thing was that we were both willing to have the conversation about why it was awkward, or why it was uncomfortable," she said.

Watson told her date she chose the restaurant because it was her favorite, giving advice to women on how they should handle the conversation about the check.

"I would love to pay, but next time, you choose the place and you pay, or whatever it is," she said she told her date, "you're going to split it or whatever makes you each feel comfortable."

Word for the wise for the lucky person who takes Watson on a date: open the door for her, but don't be offended when she offers to pay for dinner.

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Photo: Marco Bond| Flickr

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