The season finale of "The Flash" is looking to be more about bringing the Rogues together than a final confrontation between Reverse-Flash and Barry Allen.

The episode is titled "Rogue Air," so either it has a whole different meaning — or it's actually going to be the Flash vs. the Rogues. We say this because producer Andrew Kreisberg recently revealed that his team has something awesome in store for the Rogues — possibly for the finale?

"We're going to do something with all the Rogues. I can't promise it's going to be this season," Kreisberg told TVLine.

"We know that if the original [1990s] Flash series had gotten a second season, both John [Wesley Shipp] and Mark [Hamill] have told us that the first episode was going to be a giant Rogues episode. And that sounds like maybe a good thing for us to do, what they didn't get the opportunity to do."

Several members of the Rogues have already been established in "The Flash," so it would make perfect sense to bring them together to take down their enemy. However, given all that's going on with Reverse-Flash right now, we're not sure bringing the team together this early is a good idea.

It would be great to focus on Harrison Wells and his plans for Barry Allen, to bring the Rogues into the picture for Season 2. Then again, "Rogue Air" could just be an episode that focuses on two fronts. We could see the Flash and Reverse-Flash going at each other. Somewhere else in Central City, we could see the Rogues slowly forming into a team of super villains with one primary goal — to kill the Flash.

By the time Barry is finished with Eobard Thawne, the Rogues would be waiting to take him down. The episode would end with a battle that leaves the Flash running for his life, which in turn could create an excellent entrance for the second season.

We should also point out that Doug Jones has been picked to play the villain, Deathbolt — first on "Arrow" and then on the finale of "The Flash." As of yet, it's unclear why his character will make the crossover to "The Flash."

For those who aren't familiar with Deathbolt — he's a super-villain capable of controlling electricity. We suspect Arrow might require the help of The ATOM to defeat this guy.

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