The Flash is on the verge of a splendid ending, but we are not yet completely sure how this will play out. Barry Allen is finally catching onto Harrison Wells, or should we say, Eobard Thawne.

So, how does he plan on taking him down? We suspect he'll ask for help from Arrow and Firestorm.

Warning: Spoiler Alerts and Images below for an upcoming episode of CW's 'The Flash'

Recently, the guys at Grant Gustin News got their hands on set photos of an upcoming episode of The Flash. From the images, we can clearly see The Arrow, The Flash and Firestorm, who all appear to be facing off against The Reverse Flash.

Chances are, Barry realizes he cannot defeat this foe by himself, so he made an appeal to both Arrow and Firestorm for help. We're not certain if this is the final episode of season one or even if these three heroes are enough to take down such a powerful villain.

One interesting thing about this photo is the costume Oliver is wearing. In no way does it look like the traditional Arrow costume; in fact, it looks a lot like something from The League of Assassins. So the question is, did Oliver accept the offer from Ra's al Ghul? You know what, we are going to go out on a limb here and say he didn't, but this is likely the effect of Barry doing something stupid that changed the timeline.

The Flashpoint Paradox

We know for a fact that the writers are planning to incorporate one of the most popular storylines of The Flash comic, so could this be it? Could this be a rendition of Flashpoint on the small screen? We believe it is.

For those who are unaware, in the Flashpoint story, Barry was tricked by the Reverse Flash to travel back in time, where he ended up saving his mother. By doing so, he completely changed the timeline.

In this timeline, Bruce Wayne died that night instead of Thomas and Martha Wayne, who survived. Thomas chose to become Batman and Martha became the Joker of this new alternative time arc. Furthermore, Aquaman and Wonder Woman are at war, while Superman is a government lab rat.

Should the writers move along with the Flashpoint storyline, we suspect in this new timeline, Oliver accepted the offer to become Ra's al Ghul. It is the only reason we think he would be wearing that costume.

We can't wait to see what this episode brings and whether we are correct or not.

Related: Arrow-The Flash CW Spinoff To Bring 3 DC Villains To TV Never Shown Live Before

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